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Pogi 2009-12-12 19:17

Re: how to clean screen

Originally Posted by dantonic (Post 424678)
what if the cleaning fluid contains alcohol? will alcohol damage the screen?

I used 91% Isopropyl Alcohol to clean the greasy finger prints nothing happened to the screen.

msa 2009-12-12 19:17

Re: how to clean screen
spitting on the screen and wiping it off with the tshirt? :)

pegasus 2009-12-12 19:52

Re: how to clean screen
I use Zeiss Lens Cloth, Pre Moistened...Works like a charm, and will do no damage

archzai 2009-12-13 02:16

Re: how to clean screen
using water isnt good?

unkno 2009-12-13 02:48

Re: how to clean screen
Water is fine...but water will not help remove oils such as finger prints.

jessi3k3 2009-12-13 02:51

Re: how to clean screen
Geez, cant you just get a soft napkin and some tap water? That does it all the time.

iceman600 2009-12-13 07:39

Re: how to clean screen
lick it... then wipe it with a tissue paper :)

OrangeBox 2009-12-14 03:02

Re: how to clean screen
Use the cloth that came in the box like this:

clean with the bottom side (that doesn't have the Nokia logo on it). Also clean from left to right in broad swipes with your whole palm laying on the cloth flat against the screen as opposed to going in circular motions.

I was surprised that with above technique after 2-3 swipes the screen gets flawlessly clean.

Nexus7 2009-12-14 03:13

Re: how to clean screen

Originally Posted by az9 (Post 424426)
i want to clean the oily screen before installing the screen protector from clear protector. as the dry cloth does not clean it completely, is there anything that i can use to really get the job done?

I use a diluted vinegar solution for household cleaning. Very roughly 1/3 of store-bought vinegar and the rest water, For notebook and cell-phone screens, I soak and wring out a microfiber cloth towel (nothing fancy, the kind sold for use in cleaning cars), and spritz it with this vinegar solution. Wipe once or twice, form a point and get the edge, very light pressure, and then turn over the cloth, final wipe. The water evaporates in a few seconds, no need to blow on it.

AngelInBlue 2009-12-14 04:01

Re: how to clean screen

You might want to consider using distilled water and a lens cloth. For eye glasses and LCD monitors/TVs this has been better for me than any chemical solution.

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