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joseg 2009-12-16 15:28

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 430488)
which linux? my ubuntu doesn't want to play with EAP-TLS, if you happen to have some useful instructions that would be cool

I use the RHEL based client and configured it through Network Manager. I'll get a live ubuntu running and see if I can get it to work as well.

It is interesting that your N810 doesn't work. The N800 with 5.2008.43-7 works fine. Is there any difference in the wifi hw or kernel module used? The software should otherwise be the same...

Btw, feel free to ping me in ST if you want any more details (search for gomezjos) :-)

joseg 2009-12-17 09:52

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?

Originally Posted by joseg (Post 430514)
I'll get a live ubuntu running and see if I can get it to work as well.

It worked fine with the Karmic live CD as well.

Netweaver 2009-12-18 15:31

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?
Some update :
I obtained my certificate for EAP-TLS today and I tried it on my Ubuntu Jaunty laptop (using Wicd instead of Network Manager) and it didn't work. LEAP-WPA2 worked fine on the same laptop though.

Then I also tried the EAP-TLS credentials/certificate on the N900 and it didn't work.

So it seems I'm back to square one :(

Anyone having an idea to investigate this further ? On the laptop I checked the wicd.log file but no useful info in there.

On the N900 I don't know how to get more detailed debug info out of it for this problem ...

Looking through bugzilla I've found these things on EAP-TLS :

Looking at this bug at least the EAP-TLS should work, but not in the most user friendly way :

Funny enough I've found another bug saying EAP-TLS doesn't work but that might be a different root cause :

Then we have this one, the EAP-TTLS-PAP bug (Eduroam)
Again not connected I think as it's talking about TTLS and not TLS.

Did anyone run EAP-TLS successfully on a N900 either in or outside IBM ?

To my IBM colleagues, what's the issue with a previous remark made, the possibility that one internal account can only be assigned to one authentication method ? Is that a real restriction internally with us ? LEAP-WPA2 or EAP-TLS ?


Edit : For the IBM people, I also chipped in on an IBM OCDC forum thread on EAP-TLS. Maybe someone has some ideas there :

braincreation 2009-12-21 20:22

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?
Somehow I knew IBM employees would clump together on this issue. Great to see others out there. So we have an unofficial IBM-N900 Club based around LEAP.

kingrhy 2009-12-22 06:26

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?
ha,look lik i found my orgnization colleagues .
i come from IBM china.and i have n900 too.

i think the n900 do not support the LEAP type to connect our internal network. BTW,i try to use eap-tls type,but cannot work f.even i cannot get help from my helpdesktop .they tell me they are not support this method i think we just hope maemo can add LEAP type to N900 in future.

if anyone can add this function in n900 and make it work fine in IBM internal wireless lan ,pls share to everyone who have own n900.

we can talk about this powerful device in me via st.
just type ranhuaiy.

truelies1 2010-01-07 21:02

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?
My company also using LEAP, it doesn't work with N900. It keeps asking WEP code.

qole 2010-01-08 00:25

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?

Resolved WONTFIX.

"Cisco itself is phasing out LEAP due to weaknesses found in its security model. Therefore Maemo has no plans to support it."

jakiman 2010-01-08 03:33

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?
Umm. Why care that they are going to phase it out when nearly EVERY Cisco implementation in the world currently uses LEAP in the enterprise sector. That's dumb. I work in Symantec and we also use WPA2-LEAP at work. My work mates with Nokia symbian phones connect fine but my N900 doesn't have WPA2-LEAP so I can't.

*Sonic* 2010-01-31 10:31

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?
On wireless training last week we were told the same thing about LEAP and to not use it anymore despite customers may request it

Or we get it in writing that they know the implications :)

hawaii 2010-01-31 17:00

Re: LEAP-WPA2 on N900 . Anyone has done this ?
I have WPA2+LEAP+SelSigned Cert working on my N900 just fine.

I had to contact the almost useless network admin to get the cert. Worked on my S60 devices, works on my N900 - however I haven't been able to get it working on my Debian/sid laptop with wpa_supplicant.

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