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lohiaprateek 2009-12-23 11:05

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by pisthpeeps (Post 438853)
5. I ordered from on 18th Dec and it was delivered(to UK) today. Check the online stock availability and go for it if it looks good.
6. I have checked the frequencies and it would work in India. No issues.

Any idea when n900 will be launched in India? Estimated price?

Personally from what I know after using the device and from what i feel about Nokia, this device shall not launch in India as the previous tablets were not launched officially. Also this phone is a connected device and buyin this device without a data plan is a waste of money. People in India barring the blackberry dont believe in Data plans...the phone will be a brick without data Wifi covereage is not adequate either

pisthpeeps 2009-12-23 11:22

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by lohiaprateek (Post 438871)
Personally from what I know after using the device and from what i feel about Nokia, this device shall not launch in India as the previous tablets were not launched officially. Also this phone is a connected device and buyin this device without a data plan is a waste of money. People in India barring the blackberry dont believe in Data plans...the phone will be a brick without data Wifi covereage is not adequate either

hmm..I have got n900 in UK and planning to move to India in April next year. I checked the 3G plans for Airtel and BSNL, looks like its around Rs.900/month, but not sure of the speed though. Already a member posted that its sluggish in this thread. I was hoping that Wi-Fi spots increase in number in india so that i need not take a data plan :-)

abhisheiktripathi2007 2009-12-23 20:20

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by lohiaprateek (Post 438871)
Personally from what I know after using the device and from what i feel about Nokia, this device shall not launch in India as the previous tablets were not launched officially. Also this phone is a connected device and buyin this device without a data plan is a waste of money. People in India barring the blackberry dont believe in Data plans...the phone will be a brick without data Wifi covereage is not adequate either

Well as far as 3G technology and data plans are concerned BSNL is providing both at nominal rates.
1. Rs. 249 - 512 MB free data for a month
2. Rs. 550 - 1 GB free for daytime and 5GB free during night (11pm to 7 am) for a month
N900 annuls the use of a laptop thanks to the superior browser embedded to it. And if one is not an internet freak 512 MB on mobile is more than enough.
However if need arises there are several data top ups available.:)

mysticrokks 2009-12-23 20:32

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
think about what keybpard layour you want before you buy from finland

lohiaprateek 2009-12-23 20:34

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
3G coverage is very very scanty yet in India, although the prices may seem attractive and all, but the lack of network coverage is what forms the limiting factor, also can any one connect to 3g to give a benchmark. Personally i use edge for messenger mail and light web-browsing, and i;m happy with Airtel EDGE, i dont want to use my phone as a 3g modem, EDGE does the work fine, all the downloading of apps etc takes place at home/work where i have a fast internet wifi connection. 3G will just suck battery, 2sec to load a page or 4, it barely matters...

abhisheiktripathi2007 2009-12-23 20:36

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by mysticrokks (Post 439494)
think about what keybpard layour you want before you buy from finland

Will you please shed more light on the keypad layout issue? I mean are there different keypad versions available in N900?

mysticrokks 2009-12-23 20:39

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
the finnish one does not have all arrow keys and is a different set up- it could be more annoying for you- i presume you would rather use an english keyboard set up.. but then i dont know- maybe either way will be an issue for you as your indian, therefor not a massive deal

mysticrokks 2009-12-23 20:45

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

if you check this link out it will tell u gaming limitations

Omkar 2009-12-24 03:25

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
Hey guys the N900 is available in dubai duty free for AED 3000. its the UAE version but keyboard and everything else is normal(arrow keys and no umlaot characters). warranty is 12 m onths but in UAE only. this rules out fear of customs duty as its duty free..:D

plaban 2009-12-24 03:38

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
I'm using N900 in India,got it from US.Airtel EDGE works well...getting around 200 kbps speed.It shows BSNL 3G icon.So 3G will work also.

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