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stlpaul 2009-12-26 02:22

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
No dead on mine... thank god :)

shapeshifter 2009-12-26 02:42

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by msa (Post 441814)
dead pixel are a general problem for ALL devices that use lcd-screens.

Uhm, well it is a problem, but it is ia problem for the manufacturers, not for the customers. Really there shouldn't be any dead pixels. I have a benq 24" TFT with 1920x1200, and not a single dead pixel. And this is on a screen with a much, much higher resolution then the n900. I find dead pixels extremely annoying, and good quality screens simply dont have any dead pixels.

Laughing Man 2009-12-26 03:03

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
0 dead or stuck pixels. But when it comes to electronics, some in a batch will always have at least one or two.

It's up to the company that's buying the LCDs how many they find acceptability. Granted if they want 0 dead or stuck pixels from the company making them then it's going cost them extra.

go1dfish 2009-12-26 03:05

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by shapeshifter (Post 441862)
Uhm, well it is a problem, but it is ia problem for the manufacturers, not for the customers. Really there shouldn't be any dead pixels. I have a benq 24" TFT with 1920x1200, and not a single dead pixel. And this is on a screen with a much, much higher resolution then the n900. I find dead pixels extremely annoying, and good quality screens simply dont have any dead pixels.

It has a higher number of pixels, but it is not a higher resolution display than the n900's

Your screen is about 7 times as large (diagonally) as the n900 But only has 6 times as many pixels.

Agreed though that customers should not have to deal with dead pixels.

whc 2009-12-26 03:09

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
IMO newer panels should not have dead pixels, few years ago it would be more common, but now days it just smells like bad quality LCD panel.

maybe is it is just a stuck pixel (light pixel), it should be possible to wake it alive again, cannot find any way to get the to run on the N900, and the videoes is not widescreen.

Found a video that switches colour fast, should be possible to fix it this way, but no way to repeat video in video player, or is it just me, would be nice to run it all night :D.

bgrigor 2009-12-26 03:19

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
No dead or stuck pixels here.

denix 2009-12-26 07:27

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
My new n900 has no dead or stuck pixels. That doesn't mean they will not appear over time, although I hope they won't :)

anapospastos 2009-12-26 08:13

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
No dead pixels here from Greece;)

torpedo48 2009-12-26 09:18

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I have a stuck pixel, found with the dark background of the application manager, but i can't find it without a dark or completely black screen so actually it is invisible and I'm not going to send my jewel back just for that. But I can understand that when the dead/stuck pixels become 2 or more, the thing becomes very very annoying.

jessi3k3 2009-12-26 09:25

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I have 2 stuck pixels in the middle of the screen using dark background and no dead pixels. One is purple-ish and the other one is kind of white. I can't really tell unless I have the device 4-5 inches from my face. It really doesnt bother me.

Also, like the previous poster mentioned, I cant really tell either without a completely black screen so it's not too much of a bother.

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