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felbutss 2009-12-30 05:29

Re: milkdrop
Exactly my point. how hard could it be to integrate??? Ive never seen a phone to pull off milkdrop. If someone did it I will give a never ending clap. Ill even donate

felbutss 2009-12-30 05:59

Re: milkdrop
i just asked my friends at work about this. this would be a seller for the phone lol a big one

in-effect 2010-02-19 20:19

Re: milkdrop
This would be absolutely killer for me. Milkdrop looks beautiful in HD from my XBMC-enabled original Xbox. Obviously the N900's TV-out wouldn't deliver that degree of clarity but would still look (and sound) great, especially with a pre-recorded mix or something at a party (so much cooler than lugging an xbox or laptop to someone's house).

felbutss 2010-03-08 01:46

Re: milkdrop
5 Attachment(s)
i guess noone is interested.

milkdrop is also open source for Linux

is it that hard to implement?????

lcuk 2010-03-08 02:02

Re: milkdrop
i am interested :)
those look awesome, not sure how well they will run on device though, there is more than one way to skin a cat though.

very worth looking at for something in progress, thanks for link.

felbutss 2010-03-08 02:06

Re: milkdrop
i have milkdrop 2.0 running really good on a eeepc. 1.0 will run on pritty much anything if they go through the gpu

mangodan2003 2010-03-10 19:16

Re: milkdrop
hi guys. ive had a go at this myself. i downloaded and built libvisual and then projectm 2.0.1 disabled ftgl in cmakelist.txt and enabled gles 1.1 but build fails part way through. i havnt had time to investigate why yet.
would be nice to see a gles 2 port.
if u try this yrself be sure to delete cmakecache.txt or ull be wondering why it ignores yr changes to cmakelists.txt

mangodan2003 2010-03-14 19:41

Re: milkdrop
Got a bit further,

have libprojectm built

have libprojectm-qt built

just getting an error on linking the final part

Linking CXX executable projectM-pulseaudio
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXQueryVersion'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddressARB'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetClientString'

Its bound not to work straight away once i get past this as i have had to comment out a few bits to get it to build at all. But at least once i can get an executable i should be well on the way.

felbutss 2010-03-15 06:37

Re: milkdrop

Originally Posted by mangodan2003 (Post 567077)
Got a bit further,

have libprojectm built

have libprojectm-qt built

just getting an error on linking the final part

Linking CXX executable projectM-pulseaudio
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXQueryVersion'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddressARB'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetClientString'

Its bound not to work straight away once i get past this as i have had to comment out a few bits to get it to build at all. But at least once i can get an executable i should be well on the way.

god i dont even know where i would start. great work mate, i would love to make a donation for this. dont think people here realise how much of a big deal milkdrop can be on a mobile device yet lol

mangodan2003 2010-03-16 10:45

Re: milkdrop
I don't want to promise getting anywhere yet and as such could not possibly accept any kind of donation. But if i do ever get it working then i could maybe consider it ;). maybe a paypal donations links or something - many other OS projects have such a thing.

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