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hypnotik 2010-03-16 17:10

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Originally Posted by fareastcoast (Post 569483)
BarrioSquare name sketchy at best, Julio.

I live in Spanish Harlem ("El Barrio"), New York City... hence the name. sorry if it offends you.

les_garten 2010-03-16 17:16

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Originally Posted by hypnotik (Post 569505)
I live in Spanish Harlem ("El Barrio"), New York City... hence the name. sorry if it offends you.

Name sounds pretty kewl to me! Thanx for the work here.

evil_m0nkey 2010-03-16 19:40

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
i can't seem to find the app in the repository.

hypnotik 2010-03-16 19:53

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Originally Posted by evil_m0nkey (Post 569625)
i can't seem to find the app in the repository.

you might need to refresh the catalogue:

apt-get update as root usually helps.

demos 2010-03-17 15:00

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
I have been using the previous two versions for almost a month now. It worked well already then, apart from some occasional update issues of nearby venues.

Glad to report that apt-get update did work fine and I installed what seems to version 0.2.4 from the repository without any problems. I have also tested it in two locations now. Only hick-ups are still about the finding nearby venues, but otherwise it's really good.

Haus3r 2010-03-23 14:49

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
Any chance this is being pushed to extras soon?

hypnotik 2010-03-25 19:50

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Originally Posted by Haus3r (Post 578816)
Any chance this is being pushed to extras soon?

Not really. it's very much a work in progress.

You can get it from extras-devel though. If you test it enough maybe it'll make it to extras-testing and then eventually to extras, but that's probably going to take many months.

I'm constantly adding new functionality, tweaking the barriosquare code so extras-devel is where it will probably stay for a while.

Haus3r 2010-03-25 19:53

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Originally Posted by hypnotik (Post 582353)
Not really. it's very much a work in progress.

You can get it from extras-devel though. If you test it enough maybe it'll make it to extras-testing and then eventually to extras, but that's probably going to take many months.

I'm constantly adding new functionality, tweaking the barriosquare code so extras-devel is where it will probably stay for a while.

That would be fine by me! I just want you to know that your work is very much appreciated! Keep it up!

*Sonic* 2010-03-25 20:11

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
Seems to be working quite well for me, apart from (not your app related though) the updates dont push through to Facebook

On the odd occasion it can sit there for quite some time trying to refresh the servers, I added a venue the other day and that pushed through straight away

marekl 2010-03-30 14:49

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
I use BarrioSquare for few days and there are some issues I am not able to solve.

Do you see a history of visited places or friends list on the first two pages? There is always white screen at my N900, even after refresh.

The map and find buttons work, also my profile on the left side. Also settings are accessible, but I can't sign off from the application.

Or are these features only prepared to be done in future?

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