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coosbaytv 2009-12-30 01:37

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
mine still says Beta 5!
I uninstalled and reinstalled from the llink.

Bratag 2009-12-30 01:57

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Still beta. Still slow. Sigh

Laughing Man 2009-12-30 01:59

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
If your going install it.. install the nightly build, I believe those are optified. The beta linked on their page isn't the latest.

nwerneck 2009-12-30 02:12

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Mr_Hat (Post 445784)
It's still in the website says..."Get it on your N900 soon."

Does that mean Firefox entered the "fixed in fremantle" club?
UPDATE: hmm when we download it does say "N900 and N810"... At least for now!

Bratag 2009-12-30 02:13

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 446098)
If your going install it.. install the nightly build, I believe those are optified. The beta linked on their page isn't the latest.

Link/repo please.

janszoon 2009-12-30 02:22

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
what makes this better than the built in browser? I like the click to zoom and swirl zooms.....

lfcobra 2009-12-30 02:37

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
still slow, still buggy, still not worth installing...

Laughing Man 2009-12-30 02:46

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 446107)
Link/repo please.

I'm not using it but here's a link.

jebba 2009-12-30 03:09

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Here's the latest with xulrunner 1.9.2:;O=D

Grab the xulrunner and fennec .deb files and install them with dpkg. For example the latest builds as of today (using wget to download--you can use whatever):


wget \

wget \

Then install thusly:

sudo gainroot

dpkg -i fennec_1.0b6pre_armel.deb \

OR, you can grab the super dooper latest one based on "trunk" which is even more alpha. It is available here:;O=D

There grab the *_armel.deb of xulrunner and fennec as well, and install similar to above with dpkg.

Note: I am downloading these files now, I haven't installed or tested them yet.

jebba 2009-12-30 03:38

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Ok, I downloaded and installed the latest-trunk. It puts things in /opt, so it doesn't fill up space on the NAND. It looks cute. It will be a nice complement to microb and midori. :)

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