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rwijnhov 2010-01-03 22:36

Re: Bright spot on display
I also have a bright spot of 1cm.

Magel282 2010-01-04 00:16

Re: Bright spot on display
Can someone take a picture of these bright spots?

NotTheMessiah 2010-01-07 22:16

Re: Bright spot on display
mine developed one of these today. only about 3mm and is not an even shape, kinda banana shaped. i *thought* it might have been caused when i removed my invisible shield screen protector. it was pretty well fixed and tugged the screen a fair bit to the point where it could see it bowing a little! howver, after reading this thread seems like it may just be coincident. dont really want to have to send it in for a replacement since everything else is perfect. if anyone finds a way to remedy the problem please please post.

h4w4ii4n 2010-01-08 03:41

Re: Bright spot on display
I purchased my n900 from After about a week of using it I got a small bright spot on the upper right corner of the screen. It was exact size and shape of a grain of rice. So I started looking around the screen and also found a dead pixel on the lower right side of the screen. I called amazon and they send me a replacement overnight expressed and it is perfect. No blemishes, screen is perfectly and evenly lit, and the slide seems stiffer.

Return it immediately and get another one.

ddwwf1 2010-01-08 04:33

Re: Bright spot on display
wow i thought i was the only one with this problem mine is on the right upper side as well and only really visible on white backgrounds it has grown slightly with a bit developing right at the top of it now also have a smaller less noticable one on the bottom right it isnt making my screen unusable but i do notice it and it bugs me would love a cure dont fancy sending it off to get repaired

NotTheMessiah 2010-01-08 13:31

Re: Bright spot on display
hmmm, i'll phone mobile phones direct on monday and see about a replacement. problem is its gonna be a pain in the arse since i dont live at the billing address anymore.

d-iivil 2010-01-08 13:34

Re: Bright spot on display

Originally Posted by Devil (Post 446783)
no point at all in my previous post.

i think i have the same spot as you two do. though havnt read it on the forum till now.

I have one such a spot only visible on a white background.

Mine is just like the same.

Very annoying :-/

big_zippy 2010-01-08 14:16

Re: Bright spot on display
I've noticed one of these spot over the last couple of days. Sure I would have noticed it earlier if it had been there. Once you see it you can't stop looking at it!. However, today I've convinced myself it's not as bright as yesterday!
Will try and take it back but I've had it since end November so it will probably be a repair job :(

Edit: Just thinking, could it be something to do with the cold weather?

NotTheMessiah 2010-01-08 14:20

Re: Bright spot on display

Originally Posted by big_zippy (Post 459192)
I've noticed one of these spot over the last couple of days. Sure I would have noticed it earlier if it had been there. Once you see it you can't stop looking at it!. However, today I've convinced myself it's not as bright as yesterday!
Will try and take it back but I've had it since end November so it will probably be a repair job :(

same here, it looks to me like its fading but my gf doesnt think so. will keep an eye on it tho. i have another issue too since removing my screen protector and that is that my touch screen soumetimes makes a clicking/crunching sound. quite worrying really tho it seems to be working fine.

GameboyRMH 2010-01-08 14:32

Re: Bright spot on display
Probably not cold weather...cold weather will cause a "laggyness" or "motion blur" effect on an LCD that should go away at normal temperatures.

The N900 seems to have a lot of hardware faults. Weak USB port, varying battery quality, varying CPU quality, memory chips that are easily disloged if it's dropped, and now bright spots...I gotta say you'd expect better quality for something so expensive. It's not a huge issue for power users and tinkerers but these issues would terrify an "Average Joe."

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