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bbz_Ghost 2010-01-07 19:38

Re: Movie Trailers
I grab HD QuickTime trailers directly from Apple's website using a combination of addons with Firefox and Greasemonkey, then feed them directly into HandBrake without issues, and convert them to the final format so, I don't know what steps you're either missing or just not getting. Doesn't require all that multiple demux/remux action.

In my experience of using HandBrake since it's inception, and with the latest versions and snapshots, the only file content it can't natively accept as source material is/are Real Media clips which, well, who cares about it anyway. ;)

Maybe the fact that I run Windows 7 could play into all this since the native format decoder in this OS covers everything out there save for Real Media - I can even play back those very same QuickTime trailers downloaded from Apple using one application - Media Player Classic Home Cinema - and nothing else but Windows 7's own internal decoders.

Regardless, I don't see a point in encoding videos to 800 pixels wide when none of the current video standards use that format natively to begin with. Encoding to 400 pixels wide and letting the device upscale is still going to garner you an outstanding image that's far more than adequate - and I've owned several N770s, 3 N800s, and one N810 in the recent past so I've done hundreds of encodings for those devices. I am quite familiar with the 800x480 working resolution of Nokia ITT devices.

But whatever... the info is there for anyone to read, as no one has the "end all be all" perfect profile for any device. Every piece of content is different and should be encoded accordingly.

As I said before, the Axim X51v has been handling video decoding with the Intel 2700G for 5+ years now, without issues. I guess it's about time other device manufacturers finally catch up...

slender 2010-01-07 20:08

Re: Movie Trailers
I grabbed some 1080p trailers with 6 channel audio from Apple's website and couldn't transcode it properly with current stable version of handbrake. Sound was clipping/distorted on explosions and downmixed wrong way. First didn't notice but looking and listening encoded file over and over again you start to see and hear things you want to make better. It's just makes me happy to tinker stuff with avidemux2 :) Made resize to 800 wide resolution using Bilinear conversion. I would like to use Lanzcos3 but some reason it gives subtle horizontal gray lines to background. After that msharpen to sharpen things up. Audio I extracted and downmixed with mplayer which has extra codecs. It´s just same thing with ffdshow or with avisynth. Experiment and have fun.

Reading and learning from doom9 or nowadays doom10 is just fun. There is people who do not want compromises.

Luke Valentine 2010-01-07 20:40

Re: Movie Trailers
'Your "help" was not helpful and not appreciated.'

Haha, check you out! Got your knick knacks in a twist then.

Anyway, your approach seems rather long winded and massively unnecessary.

I encoded a 1080p Up trailer in handbrake, using the preset described on the encoding wiki, and it looks, and sounds, absolutely unbelievable. HD quality, better then the included 9 trailer. Showed to some customers today and they were blown away.

Handbrake is a very good tool for easy encoding. because its easy, don't be fooled into thinking it doesn't give you as good results as all the fannying around you did with vid and audio.

And, as usual, a screen that small can only show so much detail. Any standard AVI can 'pop' on that little screen. An episode of Lost, with the vibrant greens and blues, can look breathtaking, even as a 'standard' file.

slender 2010-01-07 20:49

Re: Movie Trailers
Luke Valentine,
If you answered to me then I do not know if we speak same language and i encourage you to read my text again, but if you didn't then ignore this.

Luke Valentine 2010-01-07 20:55

Re: Movie Trailers
Nope, not to you mate, the original poster on page 1 got a little snappy.

And then I just commented on the quality that I seem to be able to get through the recommended handbrake preset on the wiki.

On a side note, regarding your encoding -

Can you remember what settings you were encoding using? Did you click 'Web optimised' on the first page? It seems to make a big difference. And the N900 doesn't seem to support anamorphic, so hopefully you either set that to NO or CUSTOM. Handbrake seems very good, once you have found the right settings.

fatalsaint 2010-01-07 20:59

Re: Movie Trailers
When ripping audio and video separately and remixing you can get better quality video and audio files.. and often smaller.. than with using Handbrake. Handbrake is not the end all be all solution of audio and video encoding.. there is still a place for manual conversions and that's getting the absolute best possible rip you can. Whether it's worth it or not is the question as it's much more difficult.

On the N900's screen could the human eye tell the difference between a completely 100% optimized (not that I'm sure anyone's achieved yet) video file and a good looking handbrake video? Probably not. But some people are perfectionist, they like having complete control of their rips and settings. This isn't something to yell at someone for.

OTOH: the "not helpful and not appreciated" comment was definitely not warranted, I don't think.

slender 2010-01-07 21:04

Re: Movie Trailers
Luke Valentine,
I have tried wikis baseline3.0 preset. I´m now comparing different files with bitrate viewer:
I do not know if it shows things properly, but right now I´m having problem with 30fps file which looks like it´s avg bitrate is lower than what I have encoded before/these trailers here but it´s still jerky. And yep..I noticed that you have set resolution and hit keep aspect ratio for that preset I´m not that Noob :)

Luke Valentine 2010-01-07 21:14

Re: Movie Trailers
No ones yelled.

The OP was out of line with that comment though. And by now, people have proved that for regular HD files, handbrake will give you a stella out put.

As regards file size, well im not sure what some people are looking for here. if you want the quality, the size is a secondary matter, surely. Straining a file through several encoders may make you feel like your doing something magical, if you lop 50mb off or so, but for what purpose? The memory of the device is huge, utilise it if the quality dictates.

In my eyes, no rip the Op has done has come close to the few I have done myself, both at 900mb, both done in handbrake.

As you correctly pointed out, a human eye can only see so much, on such a small screen. I think what bbz_Ghost is trying to point out is to keep that in mind when encoding for the device. It only has so many pixels.

Luke Valentine 2010-01-07 21:17

Re: Movie Trailers

Originally Posted by slender (Post 458079)
Luke Valentine,
I have tried wikis baseline3.0 preset. I´m now comparing different files with bitrate viewer:
I do not know if it shows things properly, but right now I´m having problem with 30fps file which looks like it´s avg bitrate is lower than what I have encoded before/these trailers here but it´s still jerky. And yep..I noticed that you have set resolution and hit keep aspect ratio for that preset I´m not that Noob :)

Ha, no offense implied!

The files that you are encoding, are 720 or 1080? I've found that encoding at 30 FPS really slows some bits down.

slender 2010-01-07 21:23

Re: Movie Trailers
If I´m going to encode movie/show just for myself then probably i wouldn't care much about quality and settings. For sure 400 wide is probably just enough when we are speaking about moving pictures. For me this is just experimenting and trying to find optimized values for different sources. Fun :)

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