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mysticrokks 2010-01-07 19:28

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
i put all my phones on low brightness- i dont mind to be honest only have probs in the sun.

this phone on max brightness is fine to bright fro normal use.- i dont need the higher bright settings anyway

jandmdickerson 2010-01-07 19:36

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!

Originally Posted by benny1967 (Post 457098)
I think it's too bright, even on the lowest setting. :(

Yea mine also is too bright on the lowest setting.

mthmob 2010-01-07 20:14

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!

Originally Posted by Tupss (Post 456921)
I find that the screen just isnt bright enough. If i sat it next to my ipod touch that is on half brightness level and the n900 on full. It just sucks. Some more brightness will make the screen alot nicer.

- No ovi store
- No User friendly apps
- Bugs
- No innovative stuff
- Device too thick and heavy and still it misses a lot.

This is making me a little bit shakey, seeing what google offers with nexus one. I hope nokia does something right with the FW otherwise im feeling screwed for having such a painfull contract for it.


now thats pretty weird, anything above 2 is too much brightness for me, used to have iphone 3g.. i dont recall much difrence concerning that.

you right nokia might have been at bit too fast at getting the n900 on the market, my guess is they wanted it out before christmas, so sure it has a few bugs and ovi store isent up yet... but nothing that wont be fixed within a month or 2.

i'm not sure what you mean with "device is too thick and still misses alot"?? i mean the n900 pretty much has everything.. including a fm transmitter!! thats pretty innovative for me. damn nice for road trips..

and.. "no user friendly apps"? sure theres a few command line apps... out of hundreds of apps.

maybe you should explain exactly what you mean instead of just coming with some random complaints :)

ndi 2010-01-07 21:18

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
Good points.

At 5, my N900 beats the HTC HD2 and the IPhone on normal.

Also, that's a good point, the resistive touchscreen is a light hog, frankly they can't really be compared, it's like comparing a window with a screen door.

I see many people lamenting the lack of capacitive. For what? Lose the ability to write on the device, draw, pin elements in the GUI for the ability to zoom an image with 2 fingers instead of the one-handed zoom button or gestures?

What DO people see in capacitive anyway? It's not like resistive takes a full kilo of force to register - any softer and it would be hard to use, IMO. On IPhone, the writing is bigger to be able to be touched, it scrolls all the time to read and you zoom in and out like crazy to read, then click. I find it less than optimal.

Multitouch is good for large screens.

markr041 2010-01-07 21:27

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
I am confused by this:

The N900 has a light sensor. How bright the screen is depends on the amount of ambient light. The brightness still changes according to the ambient light whatever the setting - the setting determines the average.

Set the screen to maximum brightness and take it to a very well-lit place and it will be the brightest.

lancewex 2010-01-07 22:12

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
Someone made a brightness app for the N800 that was perfect. It allowed something like 30 increments. In dark environments these devices blind me with light. And in a theatre, for instance, the very lowest setting made it visible to only me--so I was not that £$€&?! with the destracting light.

ndi 2010-01-07 22:38

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
markr041: and hardest to read. T have its brightes, take it to dark place and shine a light into the sensor.

Really? Now I know we have different settings. In pitch black my first setting is uncomfortable to read because of low brightness. With all lights, screens, etc off in a room with shades, at night, the screen is barely visible. Readable but just.

Sometimes the sensor kicks in a little, making it readable for half a second, if it catches a little light, then goes back to gray. The white text on the screen is _about_ as bright as the keyboard.

Less than blinding.

NotTheMessiah 2010-01-07 22:43

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
i find the screen isreally bright! to the point where it hurts my eyes if i have it up full. have it set to around half way and it seems fine.

groeit 2010-01-07 22:44

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
I pity da fool! :-)

NotTheMessiah 2010-01-07 22:50

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!

Originally Posted by groeit (Post 458311)
I pity da fool! :-)

i aint gettin on no plane!

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