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lsdreamer 2010-01-13 22:55

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Just what I've be trying to do but couldn't get syncevolution to work with anything but address book (I think I was missing something in compilation). This makes my N900 usable day to day.

This works with my own locally hosted Funambol server. I had to change the uri in each config.ini to uri=card for addressbook, uri=task for todo and uri=event for calendar. Now all syncs perfectly with Funambol.

I also uncommented the

clientAuthType = syncml:auth-md5
line in

To make a desktop icon create /usr/share/applications/hildon/syncevolution.desktop (as root) with


[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Sync Cal, Tasks, Contacts
Exec=/usr/bin/osso-xterm -e "/usr/bin/syncevolution sync1"

Thanks so much tarek.:)

x61 2010-01-15 03:11

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Originally Posted by paai (Post 467751)
For some reason or another I always get confused when I read about syncevolution, syncml and similar. What I /want/ is a solution for syncing the N900 with my local Linux PC running Evolution or Kontakt (the KDE counterpart). But what I find is syncing with some remote cloud service like Google, Funambol or so.

Can you, or somebody else confirm that this will work with a local Linux PC without a detour in the cloud, before I go to the trouble of installing that stuff?


This is just what I am also looking for. This is Nokia's way of reaching diverse society. They made a linux based for that don't support synching with linux products. This is very frustrating for me and many others because they purchased the N900 to completely do away with Windows.

eetu 2010-01-15 11:33

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Originally Posted by hstende (Post 469036)
I got it working with my funambol server

How exactly did you do this? I still get the "CurlTransport Failure" error message.

You can select the calendar you want to sync by providing a different evolutionsource in the config. If you want to sync multiple calendars, I guess you need to configure more than one server.

paai 2010-01-15 14:52

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 473061)
This is just what I am also looking for. This is Nokia's way of reaching diverse society. They made a linux based for that don't support synching with linux products. This is very frustrating for me and many others because they purchased the N900 to completely do away with Windows.

Yes, I am also very vexed with firms like Nokia (and Google!) that have products based on Linux but then the Linux community can go take a running leap. Still, I suppose that is how the world goes.

BTW: there exists an Open Source alternative for MS Exchange, called Zarafa. That should solve our contacts, email and calendar syncing, but I couldn't get it to install.


tarek 2010-01-15 17:25

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Originally Posted by paai (Post 474218)
Yes, I am also very vexed with firms like Nokia (and Google!) that have products based on Linux but then the Linux community can go take a running leap. Still, I suppose that is how the world goes.

I find the N900's compatibility with GNU/Linux to be just fine. I suspect one of the issues you're having is that there is little developer interest in the exact thing you're trying to do, though you can always commit to what you want by donating to the developers working on it. I still do think you'll be happier if you drink the cloud koolaid and use syncevolution even before it gets the bluetooth sync (which is what you're asking for).

I'm also not sure what you mean about nokia telling the linux community to take a flying leap. I suspect you are actually plain wrong. The argument can be seriously leveled against Palm and Google. However, the attack on Nokia's FOSS approach would have to be significantly more nuanced, since maemo allows root access, uses accepted SDKs (hildon and soon to be QT), contributes to projects (see the contributions to the bluetooth stack), releases code, and carries few binary blobs. It's the closest a Free software purist has to a Free software telephone unless you consider openmoko a serious contender.

tarek : )

bbb 2010-01-16 20:22

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
syncevolution apparently (now) has a template for funambol.
After many frustrating attempts to follow the instructions, I just did 'syncevolution -c Funambol' and adapted the main config.ini. All worked great. Thanks Tarek, and thanks Isdreamer for the desktop icon!

fabien 2010-01-16 23:25

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
I've used syncevolution & a local Funambol to synchronise my wm5 (htc universal) over wifi. It was reasonably easy, as I don't have any windows host around. I was just disappointed that the SMS sync wasn't implemented out of the box somehow.

bolle 2010-01-17 16:33

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Originally Posted by eetu (Post 473778)
How exactly did you do this? I still get the "CurlTransport Failure" error message.

don't use the beta and funambol is a little bit strange. my username on the website is Bolle, but syncml uses bolle...?!

DaveQB 2010-01-18 03:17

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Any users, here is a step-by-step in setting up Syncevolution for that service. Works great for me!

I love the fine grain control options of how data is synced at the head of the config :)

m0par 2010-01-20 13:18

Multiple calendars + funambol + syncevolution = jumbled mess
Has anyone gotten multiple calendars to sync using syncevolution and their own funambol server?

The problem I'm having is not n900 specific, but I see several mentions of multiple calendars in this thread, so maybe if someone has gotten it to work, they can point me in the right direction.

I added different calendar databases in funambol with separate URIs. Syncevolution is configured on both the n900 and Evolution on a desktop by creating additional directories inside the source directory and editing the evolutionsource and uri in the config.ini files so that each config file should associate one specific source (as reported by syncevolution) to one specific calendar URI on funambol. (At least it seems it should work that way.)

Syncevolution steps through the additional source directories/config.ini files on both the n900 and the desktop, but it makes a mess of everything; events from one calendar get copied to other calendars, and subsequent two-way syncs result in duplicate entries. It is as if it ignores the specified URI and syncs each source to whichever URI(s) it chooses.

Will setting up completely different server profiles with only one calendar each work?

Edit: I tried the separate server profiles with no better luck. I imported an .ics into one calendar via evolution and ran syncevolution on each profile. The data was transferred to every calendar.

I am obviously misunderstanding how syncevolution is supposed to work. evolutionsource and uri settings aren't obeyed the way I assume they'd be.

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