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Miika 2010-01-15 15:53

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
First of all, wow! We anticipated requests for level editor but didn't quite expect the users to put effort to reverse engineer their own. It's very nice to see the level of interest Angry Birds has received from the Maemo community.

As for any possible legal issues no worries, go for it! :)

On the other hand, we do have had discussions about our own level editor too but no concrete plans have been made yet. And because of that unfortunately I can't promise you any support currently.

If you have any suggestions regarding the level editor or Angry Birds in general we're all ears. :)

stobbsc 2010-01-15 15:55

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Miika the only suggestion I have is make more worlds fast :-)

Also it would be awesome to have an online leader board that you could access from the game, so you can see how well you do on each level in comparison to others playing the game :-)

smegheadz 2010-01-15 16:00

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
anyone else thinking of LBP style? i think a level editor/creator would go down a storm. having it for the n900 and your desktop would make it easier for the fiddely bits where you need a large screen. but i like the idea of an online leader bird.

imagine playing against each other trying to know the others person's castle down :P

forcer 2010-01-15 16:42

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Thanks Miika, that means green light for me to decompile the level files I guess, so I will be looking into it this weekend, if someone does know some lua internals(involving decompilation), send me a message.

paulhax 2010-01-15 16:52

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?

Originally Posted by smegheadz (Post 474359)
anyone else thinking of LBP style? i think a level editor/creator would go down a storm. having it for the n900 and your desktop would make it easier for the fiddely bits where you need a large screen. but i like the idea of an online leader bird.

imagine playing against each other trying to know the others person's castle down :P

that would be awesome.. reminds me somehow on the oldschool classic game "ballerburg".. but a deluxe version ! :)

R-R 2010-01-15 16:56

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by aniMAL_ (Post 472412)
It would be illegal unless Rovio gave you permission or they released an SDK themselves which is unlikely if they can continue to make a small, but steady stream of money from level packs.

Really? Why? DMCA?
It's not illegal to reverse engineer everywhere and it's not illegal to make add-ons for a software...

ndi 2010-01-15 17:07

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 474451)
Really? Why? DMCA?

Not everyone is in the US.

uberballo 2010-01-15 18:56

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
well ive asked them few months ago and they said more levels and level editor are coming

moose32 2010-01-16 03:17

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by Miika (Post 474342)
First of all, wow! We anticipated requests for level editor but didn't quite expect the users to put effort to reverse engineer their own. It's very nice to see the level of interest Angry Birds has received from the Maemo community.

As for any possible legal issues no worries, go for it! :)

On the other hand, we do have had discussions about our own level editor too but no concrete plans have been made yet. And because of that unfortunately I can't promise you any support currently.

If you have any suggestions regarding the level editor or Angry Birds in general we're all ears. :)

off-topic.. do you have any idea when ovi will add the level pack 1 back into the app store?

tousisd 2010-01-16 15:06

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Please someone make the "angry tuxs!" ^_^

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