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mullf 2010-02-15 16:55

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 527539)
Well I will tell you one thing for sure. Creating a new damn thread for this question when there is a perfectly good and active thread, currently in the process of trying to answer this question, is a bloody stupid idea.

stayloa 2010-02-15 16:56

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.,2817,2359259,00.asp

Ali_rshojakhani 2010-02-15 16:59

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by bret hart (Post 527671)
Why cant people realise that companys dont simply work on one platfrom at a time. Microsoft would have been working on Windows 8 before 7 even hit the shelves, did that mean Microsoft are abandoning 7? Of course not.

but did they announce it so soon?? did they say theres goingto be a new windows release in less than a year??

lets just hope they think about the people [ like me ] who have high hopes on the n900 that has so muc raw power and potential. being an open source and depending only on the "Consumers and hackers" is not enough for a device to rise and shine.

bret hart 2010-02-15 17:02

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 527685)
But Nokia have never released an update to an older Maemo based system after a new version was released, so what Microsoft does is irrelevant, and what Nokia does (and will do) is relevant.

According to Maemo history, once a device with Maemo 6 is out, Maemo 5 will be ignored. If N900 does not get Maemo 6, it means that it will be ignored.

Your are right. I cant remember nokia updating the OS on a phone ever through firmware releases, so if you are realisitic you shouldnt expect anything extra from the N900 except for bug fixes. I dont think Nokia have ever said otherwise and you have to accept their business revolves around people replacing theire devices every so often.

bret hart 2010-02-15 17:05

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Ali_rshojakhani (Post 527695)
but did they announce it so soon?? did they say theres goingto be a new windows release in less than a year??

lets just hope they think about the people [ like me ] who have high hopes on the n900 that has so muc raw power and potential. being an open source and depending only on the "Consumers and hackers" is not enough for a device to rise and shine.

Oh boy, I dont mean to be a killjoy but all your hopes are wasted. Nokia will not be adding much on the way of new features to the N900. What you see is pretty much all you will get.

leetut 2010-02-15 17:15

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 527539)
Well I will tell you one thing for sure. Creating a new damn thread for this question when there is a perfectly good and active thread, currently in the process of trying to answer this question, is a bloody stupid idea.

its an even stupider idea to try and talk down to someone like you did there mate, i actually find some of the comments said to other members on this forum as totally disgusting, and absolutely disrespectful, why does everyone here have such a terrible attitude to eachother?

jobber99 2010-02-15 17:20

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.
from my understanding, this is a good thing--it's an open OS that can be shoehorned into as many devices as possible (like android). ARM, x86, you name it.
so this can only be good for the n900--this means (unlike the MAEMO 4 -> MAEMO 5 compatibility break we got with the N800/810) that we can enjoy future OS upgrades to the current device

oskarmat 2010-02-15 17:20

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?
Do you guys actually use the n900? or you're just waiting,... waiting for Godot?

daperl 2010-02-15 17:28

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 527727)
why does everyone here have such a terrible attitude to eachother?

They smell funny? Well, that's my reason.

noneof 2010-02-15 17:30

▲【MeeGo bore 丨and丨N900 died】★
I believe everyone has known moblin and maemo are merging. As a user of N900, I was sad and sorrowful. From the, and, we've already known that N900 is the last device (and first:(:(:() which runs Maemo 5 OS. In other words, Maemo 5 is a transitional step walking by NOKIA :mad: However, because of the design of hardware of N900 and Nokia's benefit, this device can probably NOT be updated to Meego (note: Maemo 6 doesn't exist any longer). All of these mean WE ARE ORPHANS. Nobody is gonna take of us...:(:(
Let's cry...There are less and less softwares we could use; there are more and more bugs we will find. What a tragedy!
Let me use this word "囧" to describe my current feeling!!!

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