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zehjotkah 2010-03-17 07:26

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
when I select a part of a photo and then click on done it gives me the following error:

Can't start tesseract, tesseract file missing or not enough permission rights to start it.
source language: both german and english (with respective photos..)

Corwin 2010-03-17 07:31

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 570039)
when I select a part of a photo and then click on done it gives me the following error:

source language: both german and english (with respective photos..)

Same here. Anything we can do to help track it down?

zehjotkah 2010-03-17 07:53

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
also it seems, that I can't make a photo directly through the program.
but translating a text works perfectly..

parasight 2010-03-17 08:04

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
The tesseract binary isn't runnable. You can find it in home/opt/phototranslator-alpha/tesseract. Then just chmod +x tesseract and it should run.

This should propably be in a postinstall script or something.

Caesar 2010-03-17 08:04

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
both for me, too...
same message and no picture-capturing in the app..
but hey guys, it's an alpha.. i'm excited about the app.. in an stable/working version it will be very useful

zehjotkah 2010-03-17 08:15

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by parasight (Post 570059)
The tesseract binary isn't runnable. You can find it in home/opt/phototranslator-alpha/tesseract. Then just chmod +x tesseract and it should run.

This should propably be in a postinstall script or something.

Now it works!

Artemio 2010-03-17 19:42

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Just added the execution permissions as mentioned above to /home/opt/phototranslator-alpha/tesseract/ executable, and everything worked fine. It is great having this option. Just read about the removed languages for size in this release, and it is great they plan to offer those optionally. Looking forward to the Japanese pack.

zchydem 2010-03-17 20:46

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Tesseract permission right issue has been fixed and you should get an update notification automatically about the new version of PhotoTranslator.

We needed to remove some language support from tesseract in order to make package size smaller. For more details about future plans, check the blog entry:

R.Habrat 2010-03-21 14:34

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
"is available in extras testing repository" - it is rather in extras-devel repository.
(The blog text also mixes these two.)

zchydem 2010-03-21 15:55

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Yes, sorry about the that. Change of repositories mixed the facts little bit. The blog should not refer to the wrong repositories anymore.

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