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zerojay 2010-02-25 15:48

Re: Why is Apple against porn
Apple doesn't like porn because Steve Jobs is asexual.

kevloral 2010-02-25 15:55

Re: Why is Apple against porn
Are violent applications allowed?

slender 2010-02-25 15:58

Re: Why is Apple against porn
Btw. On n900 there is no obstacles to establish your own porn app repository where you sell your apps.

onutz 2010-02-25 17:00

Re: Why is Apple against porn
BTW, what do you say, if it'd have benn Nokia instead of Apple, would they have removed those apps from Ovi store?

ysss 2010-02-25 17:13

Re: Why is Apple against porn
Obviously porn won't be a profitable commodity to their primary target demographics. It may open up iTunes to some more segments (pervs) at the cost of losing their family-friendly image, which is their primary audience.

Being a business, I'm sure they're still trying to figure out ways to peddle adult materials through their infrastructure without affecting their main revenues.

DaveP1 2010-02-25 17:16

Re: Why is Apple against porn

Originally Posted by kevloral (Post 546037)
Are violent applications allowed?

In America a brief picture of Janet Jackson's nipple (cf. Superbowl Wardrobe Malfunction) is a huge deal with far too many people while a picture of someone shot or stabbed in the breast is no problem at all.

I won't inject religion here but feel free to draw your own conclusions as to where this fundamentally stems from.

P.S. I don't need porn apps when my N810 can browse porn sites with little fear of malware. Who'd bother writing a MicroB virus? :p

ysss 2010-02-25 17:21

Re: Why is Apple against porn

Originally Posted by onutz (Post 546145)
BTW, what do you say, if it'd have benn Nokia instead of Apple, would they have removed those apps from Ovi store?

If Nokia is in the same predicament as Apple, I believe they will do the same. Here are the variables:

- A running shop with 150,000 titles; mostly rated G.
- 75+ millions (?) iPhones & iPod Touchs sold, with a good percentage already tied to active iTunes account.
- Significant chunk of their demographic cares about family-friendly content.

Due to the existing family-friendly situation, I'm guessing most underaged iphone/touch owners will not have parental restriction enabled on their devices.

DaveP1 2010-02-25 17:42

Re: Why is Apple against porn
One thing that should be noted is that "family friendly" takes a back seat to "profit" when the relationship is between Apple and a big publisher. The last time I read about this, the Playboy app and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit app were still available.

onutz 2010-02-25 19:30

Re: Why is Apple against porn
I think people have nipples anyway, thing is not to redirect too much focus and revenue

gerbick 2010-02-25 19:38

Re: Why is Apple against porn

Originally Posted by kevloral (Post 546037)
Are violent applications allowed?


But as it stands, the removal of the "porn" apps from the Apple iTunes store, all 5000 of them were widely complained about by the fairer sex.

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