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zimon 2010-03-21 14:32

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
This lens_cover_opened could be one event which is hooked by shortcutd, and have its own configure-file in ~/.shortcutd.d/
So, lens_cover_opened.cfg would have at least two menu items, for "run Camera" and for "run Flashlight".

And if it would be possible to start camera somehow straight in video-mode, although last time we were in camera-mode, then also "take Video" button could be useful for user to configure there.

felbutss 2010-03-22 02:00

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
2 Attachment(s)
The ‘Quicklaunch’ app which is currently available in Extra-testing which you can see in example picture '1' is where I got this idea from.

couldn’t we use the same 'Quicklaunch' app to launch independently when the camera shutter is opened instead of the camera UI. I thought it could look something like picture '2'

Why would that be hard to implement???

edit: i have sent a private message to b0unc3 to see if he can help out. creator of 'quicklaunch' to expand his creation:D

felbutss 2010-03-22 08:37

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
what you guys think?

twaelti 2010-03-22 08:54

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
I have another proposal on how to improve the behaviour of this subsystem:
  • Open the camera lens: open the camera app
  • Open the camera lens WHILE PRESSING THE SHUTTER: do nothing
  • Let "camera-interested" apps register themselves somewhere in the OS (GConf?). Now when the sliders open, the camera app only starts up when none of these registered apps is running.

zimon 2010-03-22 09:05

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
I think, shortcutd is the natural place for these kind of UI-event-triggered user configurable menus.

felbutss 2010-03-22 09:21

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 576764)
I have another proposal on how to improve the behaviour of this subsystem:

* Open the camera lens: open the camera app
* Open the camera lens WHILE PRESSING THE SHUTTER: do nothing
* Let "camera-interested" apps register themselves somewhere in the OS (GConf?). Now when the sliders open, the camera app only starts up when none of these registered apps is running.

good idea but not feasible. for example the flash light app is only visible when the camera shutter is opened. and its not very cool :S


Originally Posted by zimon (Post 576764)
I think, shortcutd is the natural place for these kind of UI-event-triggered user configurable menus.

like the idea i had above :D wait and see i guess. doesn't seem any developers are interested???? :(

b0unc3 2010-03-22 12:06

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu

I just read your message, by reading this thread I think this is a nice idea.
A popup menu like the one in your image maybe is impossible to make, but let a dialog (or something similar) appear when you open the shutter will be doable.
I think I can make such a thing but, atm, I'm a little bit busy then I can't say when. I will try to do my best to get things done.

Best Regards.

felbutss 2010-03-22 12:48

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
thanks wowo

MohammadAG 2010-03-22 14:35

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
Well, I'm not sure how to do this but opening the lens cover can be set to open hildon-status-menu.
You can add the camera app to the quick launch, that way, none of the devs have to change anything in their apps, and you wouldn't be adding any extra apps.

felbutss 2010-03-22 16:02

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 577192)
Well, I'm not sure how to do this but opening the lens cover can be set to open hildon-status-menu.
You can add the camera app to the quick launch, that way, none of the devs have to change anything in their apps, and you wouldn't be adding any extra apps.

sounds good

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