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rodavelino 2010-03-22 02:31

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by m165 (Post 576481)
Just got this installed... wow! Looks very promising, just what the N900 needs!

I have a few requests / suggestions for any upcoming releases:

1. List support.

2. Speed up the slide animation when clicking on a tweet (and going back to the timeline), will make it feel quicker IMO.

3. The ability to click on a username to view their profile and tweets (I couldn't figure out how to do that if its already there)

4. Instead of clicking on more to get the next tweets, an option to automatically load the next ones when you get to the bottom would be good.

5. An option to display usernames as the actual name.

6. When it posts to twitter, it comes from API. Is it possible to have it coming from TweeGo? Not a big deal or high on importance though.

Hope this can help with the development of TweeGo!

EDIT: I don't know if you are aware or if it is just me, but my virtual keyboard doesn't seem to work to add text into the textfield.


We're going to go through all of your suggestions and release a new version with bugs fixed and features added by the end of this week.
Yes, I am aware of the virtual keyboard, but thanks for reminding me. That should also be fixed and included on the next release.
Thanks for your requests and suggestions, I hope you keep testing it.

ceroberts75 2010-03-22 03:18

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
guess ill have to look at this then! ;)

m165 2010-03-22 11:37

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by rodavelino (Post 576601)

We're going to go through all of your suggestions and release a new version with bugs fixed and features added by the end of this week.
Yes, I am aware of the virtual keyboard, but thanks for reminding me. That should also be fixed and included on the next release.
Thanks for your requests and suggestions, I hope you keep testing it.

Awsome, thanks! Can't wait to see the update!

planetf1 2010-03-22 13:47

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
Out of interest is there a built version anywhere?

Getting the dev environment setup is still on my todo list.

generationally 2010-03-22 14:06

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
.deb file is here:

Warning: Usual standard disclaimer about installing development SW applies here.

instigator 2010-03-22 15:05

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
just a quick tip to anyone considering installing Tweego: you can install Mobile Weather to satisfy Tweego's dependencies...took me a lot of digging to solve that one :)

Hossie 2010-03-22 16:58

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by m165 (Post 576481)
6. When it posts to twitter, it comes from API. Is it possible to have it coming from TweeGo? Not a big deal or high on importance though.

This is only possible when using OAuth now (and for projects already existing when they made the change).

gregc2009 2010-03-22 17:04

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
I went to try and install and the .deb file link in the garage brings up a blank page.

dwould 2010-03-22 17:06

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by Hossie (Post 577436)
This is only possible when using OAuth now (and for projects already existing when they made the change).

Twitter is due to shut down the basic auth support in June I believe, so better get working on OAuth support ;-)

kevinm2k 2010-03-22 17:22

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
i get same problem with deb file going to a blank page

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