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acou 2010-03-31 07:14

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Nice postmodern app. I have a feature request though. Since I'm a rather busy person, could you make this app auto-pray on my behalf? You know, just like the concept of canned laughter.

I think canned prayer is the future!

Jaffa 2010-03-31 12:15

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
How accurate do the times need to be? Would the configured time zone city (which should map to long/lat) be accurate enough?

HtheB 2010-03-31 13:14

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 589225)

That is a different application, mine isnt in the repository yet.
Edit: Thank you for offering to help with the translation, ill let you know once I get to that stage :).

Ah sorry, my bad :P

Yes, I would gladly help to translate this! :)

Keep up the good work! :)

Adib 2010-03-31 13:25

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thanks alot ..

I will test it and feedback.. also i have some idea to implicate..

for N900 translation there is already a project for that by me .. and it is 25% completed... hope it will finish soon...

mohannad 2010-03-31 19:10

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 589651)
How accurate do the times need to be? Would the configured time zone city (which should map to long/lat) be accurate enough?

The times are quite accurate for me (Auckland NZ). I compared them to the official Auckland prayer times on our Islamic Federation website and 3/5 of the times are correct to the minute however my Fajr and Ishaa times were 5 minutes off. Im thinking it could be because I'm not using the same lat/long as them but I'll look into it.


Thats great news! Do I need to follow any coding standards for my app to work with your translation?

albloushi 2010-04-01 04:37

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by Adib (Post 589741)
Thanks alot ..

I will test it and feedback.. also i have some idea to implicate..

for N900 translation there is already a project for that by me .. and it is 25% completed... hope it will finish soon...

Great work brother, if you need any help i'm ready. :)

HtheB 2010-04-02 20:40

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
How about making a Prayer Times widget?


matar 2010-04-02 21:35

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 589225)

That is a different application, mine isnt in the repository yet.
Edit: Thank you for offering to help with the translation, ill let you know once I get to that stage :).

thanks for your effort
so what is that program i installed it and cant find it in menu, it says it works with GPS
and can u update yours to the reposity pls

MohammadAG 2010-04-02 22:14

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Are you planning on making this open source?

ahmadka 2010-04-03 08:17

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Great work dude, but I think a flashy widget like app would be good too .. maybe a prayer schedule table for the day, with a dome like shape on the top of the table (to repersent a mosque), and the time for the next prayer highlighted in a different colour ... just something to look visual appealing :)

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