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eikido 2010-04-30 08:33

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
I've stopped reading gizmodo a long time ago.
They're really not that good but they sure are funny somtimes :)

michaaa62 2010-04-30 08:34

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
They are to busy to buy iPhones ;)
Who cares?
The n900 is no mainstream gadget, you will not find anything useful on gizmodo, engadget and ...

cashclientel 2010-04-30 08:48

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
Guys, welcome to the problems with sourcing your information from unprofessional bloggers.

c900 2010-04-30 09:01

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo

Originally Posted by cashclientel (Post 634663)
Guys, welcome to the problems with sourcing your information from unprofessional bloggers.

For an amateur, but still more professional, and above all correct, view about multitasking, just come to my blog :D

maluka 2010-04-30 09:06

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
The problem is that most people read these stories on engadget and gizmodo and believe what they read. These bloggers are then quoted everywhere in mainstream media and people go out and make gadget purchases based on unethical, biased information.

benj5386 2010-04-30 09:09

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
I listened to the engadget podcast a few times but quickly gave up. Loads of glaring errors in their 'science' reporting.

mchu6am4 2010-04-30 09:22

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
The author is only showing his ignorance by ignoring Meamo - the king of multitasking OS's!!!!

icebox 2010-04-30 10:26

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
biased, unethical or simply to stupid to understand journalists have influenced people's buying decisions for ages. It's true for cars, houses, food, and what not.

That also tends to drive prices down for things that are really good not just shiny and that's fine by me.

I'm happy that everybody is buying expensive crap just for the glitter. It's more stuff that doesn't connect well, needs complicated servicing for easy tasks, lot's of adapters that confuse users and so on. And that is a good source of income for a technical competent individual.

Also expensive crap goes out of style soon and that means more adapters, technical problems ...

geneven 2010-04-30 10:36

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
It is quite archaic to treat things not popular in the US as if they don't exist. The Internet is not located in the US; neither is science or technology. Electrons overflow all borders.

maxximuscool 2010-04-30 10:38

Re: Gizmodo writes a feature story on multitasking, ignores Maemo
Gizmodo is going to be sued by APPLE lol

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