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radiosw 2010-05-05 00:03

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900

Originally Posted by zombiegavins (Post 643642)
i cant figure out how to delete the apn that fmms sets up for itself and now my connection list looks cluttered.......

Haha we seem to be doing the same thing same time same problem !!

zombiegavins 2010-05-05 00:07

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
definitely working fine for me, succesfully sent and recieved picture messages and fmms is connecting itself to the new apn i created with no problems

props to the creator!

festivalnut 2010-05-05 00:14

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
congratulations! :)

zombiegavins 2010-05-05 00:15

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
if you are uk
name your new apn fmms
access point
user name wap
password wap
use proxy
http proxy
port 8799

set this up then start fmms and co to configure, it should have found this new access point on its own
click save
set image resize to small

give that a go and let me know how you get on as it worked for me

radiosw 2010-05-05 00:30

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900

Originally Posted by zombiegavins (Post 643657)
if you are uk
name your new apn fmms
access point
user name wap
password wap
use proxy
http proxy
port 8799

set this up then start fmms and co to configure, it should have found this new access point on its own
click save
set image resize to small

give that a go and let me know how you get on as it worked for me

Ta tried that fMMS didn't find the new apn so configured it in fMMS. Now cuts out the manually set apn fMMS but doesn't try to open the configured one?

zombiegavins 2010-05-05 00:53

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
hmm, i cant think what else to try. when i set up the manual apn and clicked on configure in fmms it found the new apn on its own and just worked. sorry i cant be of more assistance :(

radiosw 2010-05-05 00:55

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900

Originally Posted by zombiegavins (Post 643710)
hmm, i cant think what else to try. when i set up the manual apn and clicked on configure in fmms it found the new apn on its own and just worked. sorry i cant be of more assistance :(

Thanks for trying I will have to send log to frals in the morning. I will get there.......again!

zombiegavins 2010-05-05 01:06

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
no worries, i like to try and help if i can.
hope you get it sorted

Natan_xy 2010-05-05 01:16

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
frals great job!!!
Thank, Thank, Thank for all your hard work! ;)

mattaustin 2010-05-05 01:29

Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Thanks for this app!

Have just tried it myself. fmms didn't detect apn settings, so i entered the details for virgin mobile australia.

I can see that I have a message in the list, but when I select it I just get the message "Trying to download MMS..." for a long time, followed by "Failed to download MMS mesage".

When attempting to send, I get the message "Resizing and sending..." for a long time, and then it seems to just give up.

Any suggestions?


Update: Working! Turns out I misspelt the APN name - my own mistake. This was combined with me trying to retrieve an old message which was no longer on my operators server.

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