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alienhead 2010-06-08 18:05

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by gregor7 (Post 704979)
quick question, is there anyway to implement a '#' after automatically sending the DTMF tone with the app? I can do it manually or just wait a few more seconds, just thought it'd be nice to have, perhaps as an enhancement for the future?

I have already asked for that enhancement here :D

scifi.guy 2010-06-09 02:46

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by alienhead (Post 705759)
I have already asked for that enhancement here :D

You are in luck. Someone already requested for this feature earlier, so I have included that in release 0.2 which should be available later tonight/today.

scifi.guy 2010-06-09 02:48

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by alienhead (Post 705752)
Only complaint is, i don''t have to use my brain any more to remember the numbers to punch in the calling card :p and you are to blame :D

Welcome to my lazy world :D

alienhead 2010-06-09 02:51

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 706505)
You are in luck. Someone already requested for this feature earlier, so I have included that in release 0.2 which should be available later tonight/today.

That was actually me, who requested. I dont believe it, you have already started working on it, awesome, thanks. Great News :)
Are you relasing it tonight for real? what other enchancements have you included?

alienhead 2010-06-09 02:52

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 706509)
Welcome to my lazy world :D

I am already in your lazy world, and i like what i see :D

scifi.guy 2010-06-09 03:50

VICaR v0.2 released to extras-devel
VICaR v0.2 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.

* Fixed a bug that does not allow Country Codes to Exclude to be blank
* Added option to enter suffix after dialing the international number (Closes: #5773)
* Save and Reset buttons now provide feedback (Closes: #5741)
* Settings will be automatically saved on close
* Save and Reset buttons moved to Hildon application menu (Part of: #5742)
* Calling Card Number and Country Codes to Exclude fields accept numbers by default for hardware keyboard
* Code cleanup

gregor7 2010-06-09 06:53

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 706505)
You are in luck. Someone already requested for this feature earlier, so I have included that in release 0.2 which should be available later tonight/today.

Fantastic, thank you so much! :D

edit: works great in v0.2 btw, thank you!

alienhead 2010-06-09 15:50

Re: VICaR v0.2 released to extras-devel

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 706546)
VICaR v0.2 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.

* Fixed a bug that does not allow Country Codes to Exclude to be blank
* Added option to enter suffix after dialing the international number (Closes: #5773)
* Save and Reset buttons now provide feedback (Closes: #5741)
* Settings will be automatically saved on close
* Save and Reset buttons moved to Hildon application menu (Part of: #5742)
* Calling Card Number and Country Codes to Exclude fields accept numbers by default for hardware keyboard
* Code cleanup

Awesome, thanks. Eagerly waiting for my phone to come back to try this out. Had to send it to nokia- touchscreen issues. Thanks for the release though.

drangina 2010-06-12 14:32

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel

Thanks a ton!! working like charm.

pmudgal 2010-06-20 10:54

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
My calling card requires me to make a choice of language by pressing a 1 or 2 before being able to dial the destination number, how can I set that up on VICaR currently?

I have been waiting for this app for a long while, thanks a ton in any case.

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