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beli 2010-06-05 09:18

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Tnx for the great app. I love it!

However, I have a small issue. When I run it for the first time it always crashes on startup. The second time it works without problems.

Great brush set!

Creativetone 2010-06-06 12:08

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
1 Attachment(s)

Mine "Tone" Brush set V2 is almost ready... and
global pressure mapping were improved a lot.

I try to post these "V2" tweaks a soon..

PS. If V1 brushes were good ... this "NEW" V2 Brush set
will be amazing :) mainly because of

"NEW" tweaked Global Pressure Mapping..

... btw. this were taken lot of my time... extreme difficult task.
... almost impossible :( (any coders here to make this easier task?)

this also means that all other brushes work much better..
like Ramón, Tanda, Ico-dY, deevad...
...very much like my Desktop workstation with MyPaint and Wacom Cintiq 12WX.


Dousan 2010-06-06 12:59

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
It's so cool you're still working on improving the pressure mapping and yor brush set, thank you Tone :D

Hopefully Aapo will pick it up in an future update when you have released it here on the forum ;)

Anders_gud, aapo and tone you've done so much for this app - thanks alot guys :D

Creativetone 2010-06-07 00:59

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Good Morning.. :)

Brush set V2 is now ready... but I still tweaking it.
also NEW Global Pressure Mapping is here.

BUT NOTICE ... this Brush set V2 and Global Pressure Mapping
were made for "my style". Some brushes will work effectively only in quite hard pressure. "Use your fingers also... or something bigger than small stylus tip/nib"

But all Ink brush variants in MyPaint and Nokia N900 with these settings... achieve much more cleaner and more beautiful lines than mine Wacom Cintiq 12wx and MyPaint (desktop).

Now I wish that somebody correct that "pressure sensitivity" bug.



sierrafoxtrot 2010-06-07 09:59

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by Creativetone (Post 702878)
Good Morning.. :)

Brush set V2 is now ready...
also NEW Global Pressure Mapping is here.

BUT NOTICE ... this Brush set V2 and Global Pressure Mapping
were made for "my style". Some brushes will work effectively only in quite hard pressure. "Use your fingers also... or something bigger than small stylus tip/nib"

But all Ink brush variants in MyPaint and Nokia N900 with these settings... achieve much more cleaner and more beautiful lines than mine Wacom Cintiq 12wx and MyPaint (desktop).

Now I wish that somebody correct that "pressure sensitivity" bug.
Aapo: You can take these brushes and settings.conf and again...
replace mine so "old" set.


i've tried overwriting my brushes folder in /home/usr/.mypaint with the instructions you've given in this post

but somehow even though all your new brushes are there, they are in the default brushes subcategory, and are all jumbled up randomly. how can i get them all into a new "tone's" brushes category?

great work btw, i like your new pressure settings a lot, i just had to edit it slightly so i don't have to press too hard ... i don't have a screen protector :)

Creativetone 2010-06-07 11:15

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
sierrafoxtrot, did you also chmodded inside brushes folder.. order.conf and order_default.conf -files?

elphoenix24 2010-06-11 06:48

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
could it be possible to make the thumbnails in brushes a bit bigger.... i think they are so so minimal.

Thanks... and great work!!

Creativetone 2010-06-11 08:09

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by elphoenix24 (Post 709939)
could it be possible to make the thumbnails in brushes a bit bigger.... i think they are so so minimal.

Thanks... and great work!!

Yes, it is possible to make those thumbnails bigger..
they really are 128x128px... but this can be controlled by..


/home/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/ (line 57)

You find those magic numbers there,
i prefer myself 73x73px.

I have done lot of new "great useful" brushes for MyPaint... and

Remember that there is coming NEW Global Pressure Mapping
settings... which gives unreal pressure sensitivity :D

My V2 Brush set coming soon, I hope..
EDIT: V2 includes now.. 91 Great Brushes for play.. but it will grow :)
I try to slow down ... so you do not have to wait too long..

Creativetone 2010-06-13 19:27

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
3 Attachment(s)
Here we come!


Use Included "settings.conf"
- so you get NEW Global Pressure Mapping values..
all these brushes are calibrated with "it".

NOW! Let's make some ART!

Oh and ... NEW YouTube Video... ouh.. some much to show :D

Tone aka Creativetone aka Luovatone

elphoenix24 2010-06-13 20:35

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by Creativetone (Post 710022)
Yes, it is possible to make those thumbnails bigger..
they really are 128x128px... but this can be controlled by..


/home/opt/mypaint/share/mypaint/gui/ (line 57)

You find those magic numbers there,
i prefer myself 73x73px.

thank u very much!!! much better now... i set it to 96x96... yes the bigger the better... hehehe.

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