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zehjotkah 2010-06-01 07:38

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

Originally Posted by AtteK0 (Post 693088)
Can I get some sources? I am not aware of these facts at all and whether they are true or not I will act accordingly...

Please notice that iPhone 3GS users do get the OS4. N900 users are not as willing to pay for apps, though.

the sources are all in this very forum and in the wiki. search for it!

ifon: so what?
1. they're getting a dumbed down version..
2. are you comparing ifon os with maemo? they're getting features we had from the beginning, so what is the great thing about ifon os4? that they get finally fake multitasking (we had true multitasking from the beginning)? 4 weeks after steve the liar said, the users don't need multitasking.
think about it.

gerbick 2010-06-01 07:40

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

Originally Posted by anaskr (Post 693099)
YOU ? are you telling me or yourself?

i am happy with what i have i guess its the best phone i have yet!!

See! Now take that happiness and spread it by answering a grievance in a thread with some facts, no need to say bad things and set the folks straight.

Don't know the answer, then send them off with some kindness. It doesn't hurt, now does it?

AtteK0 2010-06-01 07:47

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 693100)
the sources are all in this very forum and in the wiki. search for it!

ifon: so what?
1. they're getting a dumbed down version..
2. are you comparing ifon os with maemo? they're getting features we had from the beginning, so what is the great thing about ifon os4? that they get finally fake multitasking (we had true multitasking from the beginning)? 4 weeks after steve the liar said, the users don't need multitasking.
think about it.

Excuse me, if you present such outward arguments I would really much like to have a link or two to support it. If you want to be taken seriously, that is (note: to the previous post you posted). It really is not nice to tell people: "Go search it, it really is there if you search, I am too lazy to give you links".

Also having a more fine-tuned grammar eases the job of reading each others comments.

jedi 2010-06-01 07:55

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!
If you don't like it, sell it and get something else. That's capitalism for you.

I'm more than happy with my N900, and find these forums a fantastic community of people getting the most out of the phones. Apart from the ones that winge and moan all the time.

jsa 2010-06-01 07:58

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

Originally Posted by AtteK0 (Post 693046)
Instead we have silence of the matters we are arguing here at the forums. Please do not start flame wars about how bad everything is here at

It really will not help. What will help is that you will not buy the products of the company in the future that you do not like. That is also the idea of capitalism.

What can also help is to send feedback to Nokia via the official feedback channels.

We're really in the same boat here in I don't think there's one single person who wouldn't like portrait mode, MMS, Flash 10.1, official MeeGo etc. here. There are a lot of people who, despite that, try and make the best of what they've got. And a lot of people who are trying to make things better for the rest. That's what this place is for.

This is why the general atmosphere really pains me. I'm not saying people aren't allowed to be disappointed but I'm saying they're pissing in their own cereal by making this place miserable for everyone else.

magullo 2010-06-01 08:01

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

Originally Posted by AtteK0 (Post 693073)
There will not be any official support for the N900 from Nokia. Is the community the one who will do the job Nokia should have done? Is the implementation going to be as good as a commercial one?

In the end, who cares? Giving sources to the community is the only important thing, and looks like meego will be open to the community.
This will keep the jewel (N900 is a jewel) up and running, as long as there will be developers and people working on it. ;)

phobosk 2010-06-01 08:10

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 693085) is providing their proprietary code blobs so that it is possible to build a meego version for the n900.
they never annouced meego for n900 so they don't have to do this. but they're doing it. why? because they want you to use your expensive n900.....

Infact they provide blobs because they are smart.... :) It is much less expensive to leave the dirty job to the Open Source developers.... They work for free and you do not have to pay them salaries :D

One thing is true... The only one to blame is the one who bought the N900 himself... 'cause he is the one that did it, not the people here ...

zehjotkah 2010-06-01 08:19

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

Originally Posted by AtteK0 (Post 693108)
Excuse me, if you present such outward arguments I would really much like to have a link or two to support it. If you want to be taken seriously, that is (note: to the previous post you posted). It really is not nice to tell people: "Go search it, it really is there if you search, I am too lazy to give you links".

Also having a more fine-tuned grammar eases the job of reading each others comments.

First: sorry for my rude words and my bad grammar.
I want to explain why: I wrote on my N900 under time pressure. Also I'm not a native english speaker, so many of my mistakes I don't know better. Please feel free to correct me (then I'm learning) or point me to my mistakes. Thanks!

I've changed to a PC now.

Now to the sources: I said search for it, because they're easy to find.
There is a question and answer (Q&A) page at the wiki here:
It would be a really interesting lecture for you.

MeeGo coming for N900:

Version 1.0 (without UX/UI, it's coming in version 1.1 in some weeks) of the Linux Foundation's MeeGo is already out.
You can choose between a 100% free and open source version, and a version containing proprietary parts from Nokia, for example the Battery Management Entity (BME).

MeeGo backport from Nokia's MeeGo (Previously known as maemo Harmattan, now as MeeGo Harmattan) is coming at the end of the year, after Nokia's MeeGo was released.
Source: Read post 7 and 19.
The aim is to build a fully functional, compatible MeeGo version for the N900, containing all Nokia software (Ovi Store and Maps for example).
It has great support from Nokia but it is not "an official MeeGo for N900" from Nokia.

I hope that clarifies a little bit.

jsa 2010-06-01 08:29

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!

In addition to zehjotkah's links, here are a couple of others about the work a paid professional team is doing with the Linux Foundation MeeGo proper on N900.

Those two links are related.

AtteK0 2010-06-01 08:31

Re: You bought it, you suffer with it!
Thank you for the reply, I wondered why it looked like a monkey throwing a keyboard around :D

I am greatful for the sources you offered. However where did you find the 2 future updates you told me?

Sorry for starting cranky threads. I am attending to a big test today...

PS. Using the N900 too, BTW

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