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w00t 2010-06-06 20:05

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by Chrome (Post 702654)
Great job w00t!

Will ukeyboard with different input languages get effected if i install this?

I don't believe so. Pretty sure I have it installed at the moment without issues, but then, I don't use it a lot :-)

Dave999 2010-06-06 20:07

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 702641)
Keep in mind the bottom of my post. This was originally written by Nokia.

So far, all we've done is package it for Maemo5. (Though hopefully we'll add more bits to it as I mentioned :))

but even so. they should have finished the job.

anyway. keep up the great work. need to pay more attantion to what you do on your free time ;)

Inacurate 2010-06-06 21:12

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 702651)
Plausible, but I forsee that being a bit difficult with something like T9..

This is kinda like I was referencing on Twitter, except slightly different.

Tap and hold say 1 and four choices come up for 1, a, b and c within reach of the number 1, a mini-menu of sorts, but it would need to be fast and fluid. Could be displayed the typical N S E W locations, or maybe possibly a semi-circle which appears at the users preference of an angle?

Could have it be an option, so the user could go either old style T9 or with something similar to above.

You could add a quick toggle, on the mini-menu, to make the letters in caps? Maybe even if input is pressed and held the mini-menu doesn't go away, useful if the user is going to be using another letter.

It works in my head. :D

fsantiago36 2010-06-06 21:13

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
One issue I see is not being able to toggle between standard onscreen keyboard and the portrait mode one. Is there a place to identify this? If there a way to make the portrait mode keyboard show up when the phone is rotated?

nosa101 2010-06-06 21:16

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
Can this be used alongside the regular VKB. For instance, it will only popup when in portrait mode?

w00t 2010-06-06 21:17

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by fsantiago36 (Post 702696)
One issue I see is not being able to toggle between standard onscreen keyboard and the portrait mode one. Is there a place to identify this? If there a way to make the portrait mode keyboard show up when the phone is rotated?

Not really, which is why there is a note that we should improve landscape mode to be more usable.. somehow.

bandora 2010-06-06 21:17

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
A dictionary for the T9 would be great.. Just like the other Nokia phones.. you double tap the # and it will turn on the dictionary then you can 344 for "egg" for example.. etc

gri 2010-06-06 21:32

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 702700)
Not really, which is why there is a note that we should improve landscape mode to be more usable.. somehow.

It's also impossible to make a third plugin which loads both, the normal landscape and the example portrait plugin, and shows up the correct one fitting to the screen rotation?
Don't know if you got my point, it's late here and I'm tired :D

w00t 2010-06-06 21:36

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by gri (Post 702715)
It's also impossible to make a third plugin which loads both, the normal landscape and the example portrait plugin, and shows up the correct one fitting to the screen rotation?
Don't know if you got my point, it's late here and I'm tired :D

I'll not say it's impossible, but h-i-m is a bit complicated. If you'd like to give it a crack and see if it's possible though, by all means.. :)

One complexity you'd have is to synchronise text etc between the two plugins when they're rotated.

fwrnando 2010-06-06 21:56

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
This would get in the way of something like MSCIM, right? Or is it possible to get those two to play nice together?

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