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noipv4 2010-06-18 08:25

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend

Nonetheless, HTC has ordered the month-old Shipped-Roms community, led by Coinflipper, to "cease and desist," taking offense to the illegally-published/copied "original art work," meaning most probably their phones' code. The letter, published on Shipped-Roms, says also that it's a "serious criminal offence," not just in the US but also the EU and "other countries where similar laws are enforced."

liedekef 2010-06-18 08:50

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend
Down with Android! Down with Android! And while I'm at it: down with the Iphone as well, just because most people like it, so I don't :-)
Now a bit more serious: you're totally right, there are lots of people complaining about nits and grits here and saying that the competition is better, but as the saying goes: "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".
Me? I'm totally happy with my N900 and I'm daily trying to convert android and iphone users. No luck though ... yet.

Edsal 2010-06-18 21:32

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend
how can i post a thread ?

schettj 2010-06-18 21:45

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend
There are only two types of posts here

* n900 Sucks, I will never buy Nokia again
* X (where X!=n900) Sucks, I am glad I bought n900

From this we can conclude that all phone platforms suck.

Edsal 2010-06-18 21:56

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend
that didn't tell me how to write a thread!

timwatt 2010-06-18 22:05

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend

Originally Posted by schettj (Post 721051)
There are only two types of posts here

* n900 Sucks, I will never buy Nokia again
* X (where X!=n900) Sucks, I am glad I bought n900

From this we can conclude that all phone platforms suck.

Only aspects of phone platforms suck, I would be 100% happy with almost any phone today if i could exchange only 3 features with one that exist on another phone.

My deduction: large corporations ability to interpret consumer need sucks. We are a small product development team and my mind boggels when I see what infinite resources deliver. To this end I respect apple considerably - less the 3 missing features.

fatalsaint 2010-06-18 22:17

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend

Originally Posted by timwatt (Post 721072)
Only aspects of phone platforms suck, I would be 100% happy with almost any phone today if i could exchange only 3 features with one that exist on another phone.

My deduction: large corporations ability to interpret consumer need sucks. We are a small product development team and my mind boggels when I see what infinite resources deliver. To this end I respect apple considerably - less the 3 missing features.

No no.. it's a conspiracy see. If any one company actually made the perfect device that addressed all consumers needs then all the other ones would just sue them out of existence.

See.. there has to be competition.. so all platforms have to suck a little bit.. so the other platform can pretend they are superior.. and generate Fanboi's and trolls alike.

The world simply wouldn't exist otherwise.

crown77 2010-06-18 22:18

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend
In Germany we have a well know Phrase i will try to translate proper for you:

If you are sitting in a glasshouse you dont should throw with stones around.. just think about that before you open such threads again the N900 does have many many massive Problems and you argue about Android wich is in Version 2.2 Final,,

gianni_mar 2010-06-18 22:18

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend

Originally Posted by Edsal (Post 721061)
that didn't tell me how to write a thread!

You are not allowed, sorry...

andraeseus1 2010-06-18 23:36

Re: So you think N900 sucks and Android and other phone rule? This is a thread for you my friend
i love android and maemo 5 sheesh, got the mytouch slide for my wife and it is amazing. nothing compared to the n900 though. i am so torn. i am in love with both os'sn smh

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