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Benson 2010-06-16 00:51

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 716815)
Please don't. Unless you are in the US where that kind of thing is an acceptable look.

Are there parts of the world (other than junior high) where one would get beaten for wearing a bat-belt, or what?

I guess I never had a clue that it might not be an acceptable "look", or even that I needed my "look" to be accepted by those around me; after all, I'm not making them wear it.

Anyway, on topic, looks nice, but the N9 specs seem to match up exactly except possibly display size and the 54px width (I don't recall anything on the N9's display) -- the 54px is nice, but not a big deal either way, and I'm relatively unconcerned with screen size either way.

The one big difference, though, is that the N9 is apparently a QWERTY slide/tilt (like the N97), which is definitely a plus for me. Should be better than the weak kickstand on the N900, and I'm a pro-keyboard guy. Of course, there's many people just as anti-keyboard, so YMMV hugely.

kryptoniankid17 2010-06-16 01:02

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716869)
Why yes I do live in the US and most everyone I know has a belt clip.
I'm to assume it's not a European thing then?

And im guessing your the type of guy that likes to wear his little brothers jeans and call them skinny jeans. I didn't know this was a fashion blog. But anyway screen size is nice but everything else mah. Not impressed.

schettj 2010-06-16 01:05

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
wow, that's HUGE for a phone. Pass.

paulkoan 2010-06-16 01:06

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716869)
Why yes I do live in the US and most everyone I know has a belt clip.
I'm to assume it's not a European thing then?

My post was tongue-in-cheek, but no, it isn't common outside of the US (which includes places other than Europe).

paulkoan 2010-06-16 01:08

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 716884)
Are there parts of the world (other than junior high) where one would get beaten for wearing a bat-belt, or what?

No! Of course not. Nothing so dramatic.

It isn't a bad idea though. [placeholder for tongue-in-cheek emoticon when it becomes available]

verumgero 2010-06-16 01:26

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 716893)
My post was tongue-in-cheek, but no, it isn't common outside of the US (which includes places other than Europe).

I live in Japan and I don't see anyone (other than Americans) wearing phones on belt clips. I don't wear one just because I am way to paranoid about knocking it off. It just seems too exposed a place to keep my expensive gadgets or phone.

But back on topic: that is one huge phone. I do like the looks of it though.

Laughing Man 2010-06-16 01:35

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
I use to do that with my old cheap free phones. It also helped that I worked in IT so I was use to carrying stuff around my belt.

I can't imagine doing that with the N900, iPhone, or any other device nowadays. Too easy for someone to do a snatch and grab, those clips would give away to easily.

bxbomber 2010-06-16 01:47

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 716884)
Anyway, on topic, looks nice, but the N9 specs seem to match up exactly except possibly display size and the 54px width (I don't recall anything on the N9's display) -- the 54px is nice, but not a big deal either way, and I'm relatively unconcerned with screen size either way.

The one big difference, though, is that the N9 is apparently a QWERTY slide/tilt (like the N97), which is definitely a plus for me. Should be better than the weak kickstand on the N900, and I'm a pro-keyboard guy. Of course, there's many people just as anti-keyboard, so YMMV hugely.

back on topic also, wouldn't you hope that a phone that came out 4-5 months after the droid would be able to exceed the majority of the specs on the droid.
If nokia released a phone with 800mhz cortex a8 that tried to compete with all these high end android phone it'll fail badly.

Hotshot 2010-06-16 01:50

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
3.5 to 3.8 is about as big as I want on a screen for any phone I want. Any bigger than that than I will pass. 4.4 inches that will cover the side of your face lol

Benson 2010-06-16 02:16

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716906)
back on topic also, wouldn't you hope that a phone that came out 4-5 months after the droid would be able to exceed the majority of the specs on the droid.

Not necessarily -- these things come in generations. There's not much left after 1GHz A8s -- maybe 1.2 GHz or so -- before the market jumps to A9s. So a certain 4 month gap will see a bunch of 1GHz A8s at the beginning and the end, and another 4 month gap would see the end of the A8s, and A9s taking over, then another plateau with entry-level A9s, etc.. Improvement isn't continuous on a timescale of months. (Naturally, I'm speaking of high-end phones here -- of course lower-end models continue using older, cheaper processors for a while, and this does seem to roll down more-or-less continuously.)


If nokia released a phone with 800mhz cortex a8 that tried to compete with all these high end android phone it'll fail badly.
Coming out behind the rest of the market, like an 800MHz when everyone else has been shipping 1GHz for months, would definitely be bad, but I see no reason to suspect Nokia would do that. The leaked specs say 1GHz.

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