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jd4200 2010-08-04 16:31

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 775612)
This can only go well. :D

I hope people are going to be mature about this; he's new, he's not responsible for any of the issues some people have, but none-the-less people will go blaming and attacking him.

pantera1989 2010-08-04 16:33

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Ok so I have PR 1.3, Meego, Flash 10, Ovi Maps and Video Recording issues. That's all I can think of. Please also ask them about the drugs..they must be good with all these poor decisions.

Please don't accept maybe as an answer. I am sick of all these maybe. Yes or no. And dates if possible (although Nokia is not known for sticking with dates a lot...they must use the chinese calender or something).

I'd rather have no than a maybe. At least we'll know where we stand.

** Edit ** I won't blame the guy. I blame his employer. I love my N900 and I can live with no for all those answers. But I am sick of all these hopes. The N900 is great as it is. It could be a lot better with some effort from Nokia. I just don't want any more false hopes.

ToJa92 2010-08-04 16:33

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 775623)
Pauseable video recording? (Cant do funny stop motion vids anymore :( )

The fact NOKIA have failed to deliver, in terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1979; Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982; Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994; The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 in terms of flash support.
Basicly it DOES NOT do what it says on the tin.

Was USB OTG an announced feature or even mentioned somewhere?
And we do have flash, so I don't see how they failed with that. Just because they don't release 10.1 doesn't mean we don't have Flash.

danramos 2010-08-04 16:40

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Don't forget to ask about obsolescence and open-source and whether Nokia is finally going to take seriously the commitment to MeeGo/Linux and use open-source friendly components and opened drivers so that the community can support themselves.

imperiallight 2010-08-04 16:45

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
The list of issues could run for pages really. Sins against the device, the community and its developers. All of them won't be chosen.

We need someone to throw a shoe at him.

Jack6428 2010-08-04 17:07

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by imperiallight (Post 775645)
The list of issues could run for pages really. Sins against the device, the community and its developers. All of them won't be chosen.

We need someone to throw a shoe at him.

Ask this guy for help...

danramos 2010-08-04 17:09

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Angry man!

mikecomputing 2010-08-04 17:26

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 775638)
Don't forget to ask about obsolescence and open-source and whether Nokia is finally going to take seriously the commitment to MeeGo/Linux and use open-source friendly components and opened drivers so that the community can support themselves.

This is NOT always Nokias decision. Its up to the HW/SW manufactors to release they'r drivers and o/or software/drivers and full specifications. Alot of manufactors does not do that, so its not always that simple.

Should we blame Nokia for some of below examples. I dont think soo...

* DSP/3D drivers for TI GFX chip.
* MSN protocol not fully opened protocol
* Skype protocol
* Adobe Flash
* alot more...

But ofcourse there are some we can "blame" nokia for:

* Open up Modem/Phonestack on Maemo but there could be reason this is not open sourced. If they did HTC and others would copy everything. But asfar as I know this is already alot better in Meego (using ophono some already backported to Maemo )

* Battery power managment. Probadly big issues nowdays and patentpending stuff.

wmarone 2010-08-04 17:27

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 775638)
use open-source friendly components and opened drivers so that the community can support themselves.

We can only dream, however that will happen as soon as you found an SoC core company that releases their drivers as open source, or you buy one and make them do it. There's not a single vendor in the market that is open source friendly, and there aren't any options beyond what exists.

This is like bashing Redhat or Ubuntu for Nvidia not open sourcing their drivers. Your only option is Intel and they're plainly crap.

danramos 2010-08-04 17:54

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 775699)
This is like bashing Redhat or Ubuntu for Nvidia not open sourcing their drivers. Your only option is Intel and they're plainly crap.

And push their buttons too, I do. :)

Still, it doesn't seem as if Nokia is using any amount of real influence to push for it. In fact, considering how much MORE closed-source stuff that Nokia has been adding to the N900's since the N800's that absolutely does NOT need to be closed (Really? Calendar? WTF??), I get the sincere feeling they would rather push more for closed despite all their assurances they would like to promote open-source.

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