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afaq 2010-08-09 18:21

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
my gps suddenyly stopped working too.

funny how we all these problems happen in sync.

PathFinder@9GS 2010-08-09 18:21

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
yeah, stopped working for me too. is working but not so good when it comes to pin pointing location

inidrog 2010-08-09 18:34

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
Okay, so to sum this up, we have one person that gps is not working at all, and a handful of people that finds to work but not as good as what did before?

Dousan 2010-08-09 18:51

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(

Originally Posted by RockCreek1 (Post 780633) works, but is only giving me a coarse location, about 1/4 - 1/2 mile away. Are you getting a more accurate location?

Mine is placing me next door (within 20-30 sec.) so thats accurate enough for me ;)

Thats with

It's weird that it all of a suddon it doesn't work with the any more?

RockCreek1 2010-08-09 19:37

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
Does anybody know if google changed its coding, etc.? Also, are there any other alternatives to or for gps? With google no longer apparently working, and with nokia just providing a rough gps location, it would be nice to have a good alternative.

wizbowes 2010-08-09 19:58

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
+1 for having to change from google back to Nokia. Was not getting any gps signal coming through using google.

I'm in the UK

RockCreek1 2010-08-09 23:08

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
Could somebody recommend a solution here?

adrsuhen 2010-08-09 23:30

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
Same here not working anymore???

dchky 2010-08-10 07:34

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(

Originally Posted by diEsse (Post 780572)
Thanks, that's what I needed! :)

I decided that I will try to disassemble the phone before taking it to service (if it is just an alignment problem maybe I can fix it).

I have a couple questions about:

1. If I disassemble the phone I lose my warranty?

2. In the L1 & L2 service manual, it says that the screws must not be reused, but I have none other .. whether I use it again is a problem?

3. If the GPS chip is dead, and I'm obliged to bring it in service point, I must pay for repair it?!

If our situations were reversed, I think I would try Nokia first, sounds like you are still under warranty so it is something they are obliged to correct for you, for free.

1. It's possible. Technically yes, your warranty is void, but it depends if they notice.

2. I always reuse after scraping away the blue glue they stick on them. Just give them a bit of a clean first and they are as good as new.

3. This is perhaps what I would try to do first, yup, a dead GPS module is something Nokia will be obliged to fix for free under warranty since it's not something you can actually break through normal operation.

Good luck sir, I hope you get your N900 up and running again quickly.

RockCreek1 2010-08-13 14:17

Re: GPS does not work anymore :(
Can somebody provide a simple solution here, so that I can get my GPS back? Thanks!


Originally Posted by RockCreek1 (Post 780714)
Does anybody know if google changed its coding, etc.? Also, are there any other alternatives to or for gps? With google no longer apparently working, and with nokia just providing a rough gps location, it would be nice to have a good alternative.

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