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Saturn 2010-08-20 11:34

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by digitalvoid (Post 792867)
@ Saturn:

You should also install pexpect (it's not standard in Python environment):

apt-get install pexpect

ok, thanks

here is the new messages:

~ $ smscon -start
smscon_daemon started
~ $ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/smscon_daemon", line 69, in <module>
    CAMcommand                  = 'gst-launch v4l2camsrc device=/dev/%s num-buffers=1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=%s,height=%s ! ffmpegcolorspace ! %s ! filesink location=%s%s' % (CamName, CamRes[0], CamRes[1], Encoding, PhotoPath, PhotoName)
NameError: name 'CamName' is not defined

~ $ smscon -boot
smscon_boot doesn't excist.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/smscon", line 172, in <module>
NameError: name 'f' is not defined
~ $ smscon -log
(Fri Aug 20 13:31:52 2010) START: smscon_daemon active
~ $ smscon -status
smscon_daemon off.
~ $

digitalvoid 2010-08-20 11:43

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
@ Saturn:

Download the new file "" (see above). The was a little bug.

maxximuscool 2010-08-20 11:44

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
Wow this is sweet!! It is hitting the sweet spot soon :D Keep it coming please :)

Saturn 2010-08-20 12:00

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by digitalvoid (Post 792926)
@ Saturn:

Download the new file "" (see above). The was a little bug.

Thx, here are the new messages:


~ $ smscon -start
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/smscon", line 154, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/smscon", line 105, in StopSMScon
    PIDdaemon =
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
~ $ smscon -log
(Fri Aug 20 13:31:52 2010) START: smscon_daemon active
(Fri Aug 20 13:53:23 2010) START: smscon_daemon active
~ $ smscon -status
smscon_daemon active.
~ $ smscon -stop
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/smscon", line 135, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/smscon", line 105, in StopSMScon
    PIDdaemon =
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
~ $ smscon -status
smscon_daemon active.
~ $ smscon -log
(Fri Aug 20 13:31:52 2010) START: smscon_daemon active
(Fri Aug 20 13:53:23 2010) START: smscon_daemon active
~ $

it seems that it starts but cannot stop (?)

digitalvoid 2010-08-20 12:22

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)
@ Saturn:

I think you are you running smscon as user. I only works from running as root...

Saturn 2010-08-20 12:27

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by digitalvoid (Post 792948)
@ Saturn:

I think you are you running smscon as user. I only works from running as root...

You're right. it works now. (maybe add it in the instructions?)

I'll do some testing in the next days.

tnx again.

arnoldux 2010-08-20 15:38

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Ive been waiting for this for some quite time, but i can see there are still some fixes and improvements you could do, has far has i can see its obviously in devel

I would request the following, if possible of course:

1.- Friendly-UI
2.- Settings option
3.- password protected options

Maybe im wrong but it looks like an n900 troyanhorse :rolleyes:

fnordianslip 2010-08-20 15:57

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by arnoldux (Post 793139)
Maybe im wrong but it looks like an n900 troyanhorse :rolleyes:

That's teh advantage of python. You can see and modify the source/script very easily, you don't even have to go and fetch a source package to have a look at what it is doing.

I'd be more worried if it was a binary, and even more worried if the source was closed.

Edit/Afterthought ...
I would say that the possibility of getting hacked/pwned/DOSed is quite high without some means of command authentication, though, but I've not looked at this yet to see what options are available in this respect. This is interesting though.

fnordianslip 2010-08-20 16:21

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 792772)
I might test this.. but it would be better if it mailed instead of sending to your own server.

Its a nice idea, but you never can tell what smtp server the network will allow you to access if the SIM gets swapped, and there's no wifi connection. Also, you'd probably have to embed your mail account password in the script or something in order to be able to send mail from it.

Another thing worth thinking about is to always use passphrases with the ssh private keys you store on the device, so that those in physical possession of it can't gain access to other machines over ssh. That might make use of the reverse ssh connection somewhat difficult.

A question I have, is does the inbound SMS message destined for SMScond with a command in it get subverted away from the user interface so no notifications are presented?

digitalvoid 2010-08-20 16:28

Re: {Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)

Originally Posted by arnoldux (Post 793139)

Ive been waiting for this for some quite time, but i can see there are still some fixes and improvements you could do, has far has i can see its obviously in devel

I would request the following, if possible of course:

1.- Friendly-UI
2.- Settings option
3.- password protected options

Maybe im wrong but it looks like an n900 troyanhorse :rolleyes:

It is still in devel (I like to hear your likes, dislikes & new ideas), some parts of the app work ok but I know it could be better done. I will make some changes that all the user settings can be made in a easy settings file (smscon_settings).

Password and user settings can be encrypted ofcoarse, but because it's a open scripting language you can always adapt and uncrypt it if you have the knowledge.

Maybe I will try to make a friendly-UI, I'm more CLI minded myself (it's easier to develop :))

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