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Peet 2010-09-01 15:59

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Just wondering why couldn't MeeGo or any other Linux-based OS be ported to these tablets? The underlying Cortex A8 hardware is probably relatively vanilla... Intel & Nokia admittedly have no interest in helping non-Intel & non-Nokia devices... (sorry Meegoh!)

Still, despite Archos not having the greatest of reputations, these tablets offer variety and interesting specs at interesting price points.

$199 for the Archos 43:
  • Cortex A8 1Ghz
  • 4.3-inch display with the rather pleasant 848x480 resolution
  • 9 mm (0.4 inch) thick (actually rather slim!)
  • 130 g (4.6 oz)
  • 8GB (to 16GB) flash
  • no cellular tax (it can be a choice you see; tethering is supported)
  • no microsoft tax... :p
Etc. (specifications)

Most obvious downsides IMO are the back-facing (2MP) camera so no videocalls (as we know it) and the apparently non-user-replacable battery.

I'm all for more competition in this category. Too bad Nokia chose to abandon this pocketable mobile companion device category that they once pioneered...

cheve 2010-09-01 16:16

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
@DF: - Can user replace the battery or it remains to be the sealed type that can't be changed in the field?
- personally, I would want to make sure that it can do USB host(without the dock); without this I don't think you can attach mouse/fold-away keyboard or any other interest stuff on the go?

- in my book, portable h/d(I think that what is being used) is a bad idea.

I have an older generation of Archo( A605 to be exact) with docks, remote, the complete works. What I hate(or afraid) most is whenever it is in my hand or pocket, at any moment I would drop the thing and the internal h/d would crash/die with it for good :( This is more important factor if you are considering this type of device as your PC replacement


slender 2010-09-01 16:30

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Archos? What? Is it that US company that made/makes mp3-players. Or was it Cowon? Better to google, but never ever have heard of this company.

cheve 2010-09-01 16:35

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by slender (Post 804360)
Archos? What? Is it that US company that made/makes mp3-players. Or was it Cowon? Better to google, but never ever have heard of this company.

it is a french company that makes stuffs and with advance features and etc that some of the new ixxxx stuff do not even have :p .... running away quickly :D

slender 2010-09-01 16:42

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Hahaha. Jackpot.

Archos is from French and Cowon from Korea. Flawless victory!

My memory needs scandisk&defrag and upgrade to some fs that doesn't get corrupted so easily :P

DistantFire 2010-09-01 16:50

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 804352)
@DF: - Can user replace the battery or it remains to be the sealed type that can't be changed in the field?
- personally, I would want to make sure that it can do USB host(without the dock); without this I don't think you can attach mouse/fold-away keyboard or any other interest stuff on the go?

- in my book, portable h/d(I think that what is being used) is a bad idea.

Battery: No idea on replaceability. We'll have to wait for hands-on reviews by the likes of

USB Host: According to the Archos site, all units have the following in the specs except the 101 (more after the quote):
USB 2.0 Host: Mass Storage Class (MSC) and Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) (adapter micro B/A sold separately)
The 101 boasts a full size USB host.

Mass Storage: Only the 43 mentions a HD version, but there is a non HD version as well, as was the case with the Archos 5 IT. (I tend to agree with your opinion on a spinning HD in a portable.)

ysss 2010-09-01 16:58

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Removable batteries are overrated... Just get an external usb battery pack. This way you'll have a universal battery to refill any of your portable gadgets even.

cheve 2010-09-01 18:13

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 804382)
Removable batteries are overrated... Just get an external usb battery pack. This way you'll have a universal battery to refill any of your portable gadgets even.

it depends on your usage:), as you know, there are only limit # of recharge cycles you can do with a battery. When it goes, you have to replace the battery or power it with a docking station. Yes, external USB battery pack would work(and I got one when I got my A605, and I continue use the pack on my N900 too). But it is sort of messy, I look geeky already, I don't need this extra thing to enhance that look:D...

ysss 2010-09-01 18:27

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 804447)
it depends on your usage:), as you know, there are only limit # of recharge cycles you can do with a battery. When it goes, you have to replace the battery or power it with a docking station. Yes, external USB battery pack would work(and I got one when I got my A605, and I continue use the pack on my N900 too). But it is sort of messy, I look geeky already, I don't need this extra thing to enhance that look:D...

Yeah, it's a different creature; not a direct replacement. It has some benefits (usable across devices, can be smaller (holds less charge) or bigger, can be charged independently without needing special charging dock/using your device, etc).. And some cons (cables/external form factor to deal with).

With my usecase, i just toss my dvevice to my bag/pocket with the pack and it can recharge 50% of my device's battery within about an hour to keep me going...

tso 2010-09-01 21:13

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by Jobester (Post 804240)
In the engadget comments it says you can search for a one-click install market4archos.apk file. Would that be the same thing?

And now you can dual-boot an Archos? When MeeGo is ready would it be realistic to put that on?

Just asking because it'd be nice to finally have a tablet to buy in 2010. The WePad/WeTab link and others look interesting, but I'm waiting for more info.

Ah, yes, Charbax. Archos own fanboy evangelist (and who's videos i can't stand as he overuses the claim of "world first/exclusive"). While yes the apk he mentions will enable market, i can't help draw comparisons to jailbreaking iproducts. If i disliked people using jailbreaking as a excuse for all that is wrong with apple policies, i can't then turn around and accept this with open arms. That would make me something of a hypocrite.

As for the dual boot he mentions, right now it only applies for archos5IMT and 5IT. And it's provided by way of a angstrom image. As such i am not sure it's a true dual boot, but more that you can replace android with angstrom or back again. They did make the changes they needed to do to angstrom available as a archive tho, and i think someone was working on porting those changes to meego so that one or more of the meego variants would be usable on the archos devices. Note however that so far archos have said nothing about similar archives or install images being made available for the new products (but they do appear to be built on much the same hardware).

Basically, take anything Charbax claims, especially related to archos products, with a big serving of salt.

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