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lma 2010-09-01 09:50

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Back in the old days when xterm didn't disable auto-complete, typing it was as simple as "su<tap><tap><enter>".

Marlon 2010-09-01 10:09

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 804014)
why does it go to a different folder?

Different 'home' folders, Terminal usually opens in

When you type root it changes to the root users folder


James_Littler 2010-09-01 10:16

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
and if you mess something up by mistake you can really screw your OS, which is why it's recommended to only gain root access when absolutely necessarry, if you can just stay as user.

geneven 2010-09-01 11:54

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
And something that you don't want to have root permissions to mess up your system, like a pen in your pocket or your dog or a child can do a lot of damage purely accidentally. Having to type in the word "root" can be a lifesaver -- that's why it was invented.

festivalnut 2010-09-01 12:16

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??

Originally Posted by chaoscreater (Post 803814)
thanks fatalsaint, that solved my problem.

And to the 2 other users who replied, no offense but they're kinda pointless and useless answers. If you don't have anything good to suggest, then don't reply at all, just saying.

And of course there is a way, i've seen several threads about this but people had problems with it when trying to modify a few files and put into certain folders. However, Filebox allows root access and opens xTerminal with root access enabled already, so that's the type of tweak or solution i'm looking for.

while i may not have been helpful to you, not helping you will, i have no doubt whatsoever, be benificial to some noob who will think "hey neat, i dont need to type an extra couple of letters now before i can completely mess up my phone! hey look this folder says bin, obviously wants deleted!"

seriously? typing root bores you so much? in a text driven terminal they four letters should be minimal compared to what you type after them, unless you're just copy-pasting code froom elsewhere and typing root really is the big time user. in this case again, no it shouldn't be bypassed. theres a reaso you're not root, when you become root it should make you aware you need to know what you're doing now.

i reserve my right to dislike yoor suggestion, and voice my dislike of it, whether you find it helpful or not, while i could have been more descriptive with my reasons for disliking it i thought they were achingly clear and thus would be pointless, apparently not.

andyr0ck 2010-09-01 12:39

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
i agree. auto-enablement of root term is downright bloody dangerous.

yes, you could have gone into a lengthy diatribe about Why People Shouldn't Run As Root but it was nothing he/she couldn't have found by googling 'running as root'. obvious to us, not to everyone else, maybe.

chaoscreater 2010-09-01 13:13

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??

Originally Posted by festivalnut (Post 804145)
while i may not have been helpful to you, not helping you will, i have no doubt whatsoever, be benificial to some noob who will think "hey neat, i dont need to type an extra couple of letters now before i can completely mess up my phone! hey look this folder says bin, obviously wants deleted!"

seriously? typing root bores you so much? in a text driven terminal they four letters should be minimal compared to what you type after them, unless you're just copy-pasting code froom elsewhere and typing root really is the big time user. in this case again, no it shouldn't be bypassed. theres a reaso you're not root, when you become root it should make you aware you need to know what you're doing now.

i reserve my right to dislike yoor suggestion, and voice my dislike of it, whether you find it helpful or not, while i could have been more descriptive with my reasons for disliking it i thought they were achingly clear and thus would be pointless, apparently not.

I love how you and the others who didn't contribute, manage to spam your way through to 2nd page in my topic.

Regardless of what your point is, your posts are considered as spam and low level of trolling.

Maybe it's too hard for you guys to understand, but first of all i only wanted a shortcut to skip typing sudo gainroot. It's not a mattered of being "bored" (i never stated that anyway), but it's a matter of efficiency and speed. People create desktop shortcuts to everything such as apps, games, and overclocking tweaks so you can switch from stock to a 1GHZ overclock by just pressing a button. I wanted something similar with the "sudo gainroot" command, i NEVER said i want to get rid of it permanently.

2nd, i've already said this but i'll say it again. If you don't want to answer or contribute to my question, that's fine, don't get angry to the point that you have to flame and troll and call out "noobs" just to make urself feel better. All in all, you haven't answered jackshit to my question, and i never asked for the consequences of any of this, even though i did state that i've read topics about this and i'm only looking for a shortcut to enable it, but NOT PERMANENTLY getting rid of it.

What i want to do with "MY" phone is my business, i hate damn spammers like you who keep telling me what's right and what's wrong. Maybe if you learned to read my question correctly, you'll know what i'm asking isn't something insanely stupid pulled out of my ***. And if you actually read the solutions suggested by others, you'll know how big of a deal and how much of a fool you're making this, by trying to explain to me all this crap and yet the solution is as simple as a few lines.

And finally, let's quote your stupid useless and unnecessary comment again from page 1:


Originally Posted by festivalnut (Post 803798)
i hope not.

And yet you had to spur on about this:


Originally Posted by festivalnut (Post 804145)
while i may not have been helpful to you, not helping you will, i have no doubt whatsoever, be benificial to some noob who will think "hey neat, i dont need to type an extra couple of letters now before i can completely mess up my phone! hey look this folder says bin, obviously wants deleted!"

seriously? typing root bores you so much? in a text driven terminal they four letters should be minimal compared to what you type after them, unless you're just copy-pasting code froom elsewhere and typing root really is the big time user. in this case again, no it shouldn't be bypassed. theres a reaso you're not root, when you become root it should make you aware you need to know what you're doing now.

i reserve my right to dislike yoor suggestion, and voice my dislike of it, whether you find it helpful or not, while i could have been more descriptive with my reasons for disliking it i thought they were achingly clear and thus would be pointless, apparently not.

Fail much indeed.

If you actually put enough time to contribute and answer questions posted by others and help out properly, maybe u wouldn't be as useless as your line of mere 3 words.

spanner 2010-09-01 13:25

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Jesus chaoscreater, chill out.

When you ask how to do something dangerous, people will warn against it or ask why. This is as much for the benefit of anyone else reading the thread as for you.

Did you ever enable extras-devel? Did you see a warning to be careful, to do at your own risk etc? I hope so.

Take those warnings and ignore them if you wish but don't blow a fuse at the people giving them.

Your flames in the above post are well out of order.

chaoscreater 2010-09-01 13:27

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??

Originally Posted by spanner (Post 804200)
Jesus chaoscreater, chill out.

When you ask how to do something dangerous, people will warn against it or ask why. This is as much for the benefit of anyone else reading the thread as for you.

Did you ever enable extras-devel? Did you see a warning to be careful, to do at your own risk etc? I hope so.

Take those warnings and ignore them if you wish but don't blow a fuse at the people giving them.

Your flames in the above post are well out of order.

There's no risk in enabling extra-devels, no one cares and people have it enabled anyway. I know what i'm doing, i've overclocked my phone to death and done tons of mods and tweaks to it. Is it so hard for people these days to "FOCUS" on my question? If i wanted a different answer i would've posted another question about it.

And again, please learn to read. Stop LYING and defending for the other guy when you know DAMN WELL that his 3 word sentence that consists of:


I hope not
is as plain and useless as any garbage you can find.

I'm still yet to be amazed by the ******** you can turn this around to a so called "warning" of any kind. A simple 3-word sentence is elaborated and exaggerated by you guys to be some sort of formal warning turned into a paragraph somehow.

And i am chilled. I'm just amazed and face palming myself at how much **** you guys (not you in particular) can pull out your *** trying to defend against something that's pointless and useless. And you know it. Seriously?? 3 word sentence?? Come on.

I might as well spam any of your topics and post:





and the result would've been the same as what he posted.

nicolai 2010-09-01 13:37

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??

Originally Posted by chaoscreater (Post 804201)
Is it so hard for people these days to "FOCUS" on my question? If i wanted a different answer i would've posted another question about it.

Is it that hard to understand, that some ask the same question
like you, but don't know anything about all the this. For those
user it may be dangerous.
If you don't know how much experience a user has, is it wrong to
give him a warning or advice?


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