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ctbeiser 2010-09-09 02:21

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by bakuur (Post 811193)
yes but remmber they wont care about all that
all they want is to reach high speeds and thats it

That's the danger. They don't care that they're liable to set their phone on fire. Being noobs, they're liable to go and create a profile and set it to 1.15Ghz, because they want to outdo their friend with the Nexus One, and save it, and screws up their phone, and doesn't know how to fix it. I think a good warning is in order. Just because a noob doesn't want to read a warning doesn't mean they shouldn't.

bakuur 2010-09-09 02:28

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers


Disclaimer - You are fully responsible for any damage / problems caused by overclocking. Not anyone else.
WARNING: just because your friend did it that doesnt mean you can! your processor is very different than his as you use it in a diffrent way than him!
please if you dont know anything about this read all about overclocking before actully try doing it!!!
is that good enough?? cause if i add more im sure no will read it

quingu 2010-09-09 13:05

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
don't want to nitpick, but could you remove the stars *** from the command lines one has to type in? If i'd be a real noob, i'd type the stars in mercilessly, too.

bakuur 2010-09-09 13:26

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
thats why i added the pictures
if you see they show you exactly what to type and the exact outcome
its just that i was looking for a way to show that its an example
if you have a better idea to show so please mention it

cfh11 2010-09-09 13:44

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
I would not encourage anyone to set a default kernel-config. It is far safer IMHO to allow the n900 to boot with the default frequency and use a startup script to OC it. I use a Queen Beecon command that runs on the startup of the desktop.

If you set the default to an unstable frequency, you can end up in an endless reboot loop and have to reflash.

Crashdamage 2010-09-09 14:06

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
Totally agree with cfh11. I know there's a recommendation to test a profile for a while before saving it as default, but IHMO it's bad practice for anyone to ever set a non-stock OC and/or LV profile to load at boot.

bakuur 2010-09-09 14:48

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
i use the ulv 850mhz profile at boot up
remmber that the only reason you would set an overclocked profile as default is to get a faster boot up
and i need that as i reboot alot

bakuur 2010-09-09 15:22

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

5.type in the following:

sudo gainroot
kernel-config load lv*
kernel-config limits 250** 850***
accurate enough?

quingu 2010-09-09 15:36

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by bakuur (Post 811785)
accurate enough?

It's cool.

mirakels 2010-09-09 18:45

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
One thing you should keep in mind that the overclock settings also influence the DSP. I found out this can have great impact on using the camera/video applications.

I used used o overclock at 850 MHz using the ulv settings. But after a while i noticed strange things happening when taking pictures or video.

I went back to only 700 Mhz with higher voltages. The camera/video problems are gone now. I can probably optimize some more, but did not have time to do so yet.

So take care. Camear applications seems to be a good test case (e.g. take pictures, switch to video mode or other non-default camera modes)

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