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mr_xzibit 2010-09-15 12:59

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
it shows in app manager mate.

fw190 2010-09-15 13:20

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Installed it today and testing. Probably it will be hard to see. I've got everything set to 0 i transitioncontrol so everything is fast for now ;)

Bingley Joe 2010-09-15 13:33

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Thanks, all :)

Installed using dpkg -i and this seems to make a really nice difference.

Before I installed it, I began copying a large file to the N900 via wifi, which normally renders the phone basically unusable until it's done (or incredibly unpleasant to use at least).. I noticed this script kick in immediately and the device was almost as snappy as it would be without the file copying. Now that the file-copy is complete, it's quick as hell :)

Nice job!

NokTokDaddy 2010-09-15 16:01

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Definite improvement and no adverse effects noticed so far!

You have my admiration and thanks!

mr_xzibit 2010-09-15 16:07

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
so how do you manually change these settings then? my swappiness is at 30! what else has it done?

just read this from first post. i assume thats what its done!

mr_xzibit 2010-09-15 16:32

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
n900 like it shuld of been.

one thing i have noticed. if i have multiple web windows open. before if i jump from one to the other. i would have a white screen for a few secs before the page appeared.. now!!! boom its up! good work

kolos 2010-09-15 16:57

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by mr_xzibit (Post 816993)
n900 like it shuld of been.

one thing i have noticed. if i have multiple web windows open. before if i jump from one to the other. i would have a white screen for a few secs before the page appeared.. now!!! boom its up! good work

I can confirm this. I experienced the same issue, but now I'm running this settings for 2 days (manually entered in xterminal) and the phone is very responsive. Guys this is really awesome job!

plaban 2010-09-15 17:21

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
I'm going to try it :)

lcuk 2010-09-15 17:29

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Great to see hacks and tweaks moving from being command line guru required to being nicely packaged up and reproducible by yourself and others!

However, because this is a package which will not appear to do anything, please do the following:

In the top post for this thread, indicate CLEARLY the actions and changes it makes
files modified and overwritten etc - do not send people to another thread and say "it similar to that over there"

In the package, add a clear indication of its actions in the README and potentially a man page and/or a backlink back to here so others can discover its actions easily.

Thanks for taking that small step beyond hackerdom and making it graspable by normal folks :)

Descalzo 2010-09-15 18:47

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Well so far so good.

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