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stobbsc 2010-09-22 05:47

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900
Once I run the above the above code an uninstall NTDroid.

Can I then simply reflash my phone to run the standard PR1.2 Kernel or do I need to remove dual boot first if so how so?


s.khiwani 2010-09-22 08:37

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 822188)
in xterminal

mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and -o noatime

after complete, format yours sd card

Can u tell how can i format my MicroSD card. I have removed the NITDroid but dont know the command for formatting the microsd

gixx 2010-09-23 17:25

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900

Originally Posted by s.khiwani (Post 823141)
Can u tell how can i format my MicroSD card. I have removed the NITDroid but dont know the command for formatting the microsd

- uninstall multiboot

if you use Windows PC i'm recommended a command "DISKPART"
and format to FAT32.

c:\ diskpart

- list disk
- select disk [disk number]
- list volume
- select volume [volume number]
- delete volume
- create volume [type] [size MB]

or use windows just click and create and format.

or put your SD card on your digital camera and format :P

s.khiwani 2011-01-01 15:37

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900
Hey Guys,

I have got few problems,

1. I uninstalled nitdroid by using following commands
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and -o noatime


1. Not able to run Maemo Even.
2. The message showing is :
"Please select the option following" where as there is no option.

Please do help me to run Maemo again..



pavi.kant 2011-01-01 15:45

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900
Try inputing 0... shud load default kernel i.e. maemo

hsai99 2011-01-05 05:18

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900
i want meego on my n900... will you guide me how can i do it easyly

izzuddinmeister 2011-02-05 09:19

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900
ensure u uninstall multiboot and uninstall nitdroid then it will run maemo smoothly like normal boot phone

bkkick 2011-02-18 16:45

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900
I need help guys.. i have installed Nitdroid on n900 and it runs fine but the problem is that the 32GB storage and sd card just doesnt exist to use... i can see the 32gb storage and card memory when i get in to settings but there is no way to get into it.. i cant just use it.. its like a phone without any storage.. help me please...

onebutton 2011-08-05 17:34

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900

Originally Posted by bkkick (Post 949874)
I need help guys.. i have installed Nitdroid on n900 and it runs fine but the problem is that the 32GB storage and sd card just doesnt exist to use... i can see the 32gb storage and card memory when i get in to settings but there is no way to get into it.. i cant just use it.. its like a phone without any storage.. help me please...

Try re-formatting the drive. The SD Drive that is. Just be careful to make sure you have everything you want saved to another location. I had my email marketing software synced up with my phone when I did the same thing and neglected to remember all of the important information I had on the SD card.

ShaileshR 2012-06-03 09:50

Re: How to remove NITdroid from N900

Originally Posted by s.khiwani (Post 822193)
Thanks TM I will do it and post the result after this thanks alot...

Hi i have tried these steps but it gives error device or resource is busy.. can anyone help me on this

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