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elie-7 2010-09-25 19:34

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 825679)
I think it is only for residents of UK. To use it in USA you'll need to cheat it by using a proxy in UK... In Fennec type "about:config" into the address bar and filter by the word "proxy", there you can set up your proxy information.

wait wait wait, fennec has flash ????!!??

regnighc 2010-09-25 21:46

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
nope, it would'nt work. you would need to use microb. you can stick the proxy settings in the network connection in advanced settings so no need to edit browser settings.

gs1 2010-09-25 23:35

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
Best workaround yet! Many thanks, regnighc

alcockell 2010-10-06 18:53

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
Umm - could someone look into developing an applet to toggle between standard and "iPlayer-enabled" mode? I'm going to pass this thread to the BBC Backstage mailing list to see if they could find someone within the Beeb to get us authorised...

I'm not a dev.. but I am chafing under the no-iPlayer-on-N900 issue.

alcockell 2010-10-06 19:12

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
Thread has been referred to BBC Backstage.

Dancairo 2010-10-06 19:59

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
Thanks for this...I may try it tomorrow but the iplayer has always, and still does work for me through the standard site with microb, sometimes it can take 3 or 4 minutes to buffer and stop jerking but it eventually does, other times it takes about 30 seconds and then i just scroll back to the beginning.
But it's always good to find other ways again, thanks.

dynomot 2010-10-06 20:09

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
Not that I mind anyone accessing the beeb's i-player, in fact I approve. It's just that they'll do their utmost stop stop it happening rather than help us. They would cite things like "license fee" and "rights issues abroad" to justify this.

regnighc 2010-10-09 10:30

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
I don't think they will, we are not bypassing that level of security.

We are just trying to bring compatibility to another Phone.

I have had a reply from the BBC who have advised that they will be testing this out.

This still doesn't allow people outside of the UK to watch it as that is based on IP location.

elie-7 2010-10-09 20:11

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!

Originally Posted by alcockell (Post 834971)
Umm - could someone look into developing an applet to toggle between standard and "iPlayer-enabled" mode? I'm going to pass this thread to the BBC Backstage mailing list to see if they could find someone within the Beeb to get us authorised...

I'm not a dev.. but I am chafing under the no-iPlayer-on-N900 issue.

yes you can, search this forum for queen beecon user agent switcher, and you will find some widgets that toggle between adnroid browser agent, n900's and the iphone's one, its pretty cool, try it out.

alcockell 2010-10-12 16:38

Re: BBC iPlayer Working Again N900!!
@elie-7, re Queen Beecon user agent switcher - has this been added to the repositories yet? EG - has it made it into Extras yet?

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