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casper27 2010-09-30 18:51

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
Cool app at first seems really easy and had me thinking you could just keep on max speed whole time but once you get extra carts and more humps and bumps then it becomes a game of skill aswell.

jedi 2010-09-30 19:16

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by hassan_badredin (Post 830309)
Already did that

please explain how you did it exactly

thanks alot

Copy/paste the .install file details to a new file and name it something like "roller.install".

Use CuteExplorer or similar to open the roller.install file, and it should open with the App Manager.

Note: there is a long pause while it looks like App Manager isn't doing anything - just be patient - it's just Nokia's sucky coding :)...

You can't use 'apt-get' as Nokia have fiddled with it so you can't just install paid apps from the command line :(

hassan_badredin 2010-09-30 19:19

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
.install file worked :P

rrdbala 2010-09-30 19:29

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Just opened notes and copied all this and saved as Roller.install.

When i tried to run it from file manager, it says "Operation failed"

Am I doing anything wrong, please help.

rrdbala 2010-09-30 19:42

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
never mind .... it is working now ... Thanks again

moepda 2010-09-30 19:42

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
likewise operation failed . with oviinstall unable to do either :(

hstende 2010-09-30 19:43

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

can't find the apps in ovistore more

casper27 2010-09-30 19:53

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
Most of those apps are for Symbian Ovi Store. Try visiting Ovi Store from your N900 browsernot the PC.

MohammadAG 2010-09-30 19:59

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
An alternative way to install would be:

dpkg -i apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
apt-get install njurassiclite

moepda 2010-09-30 20:08

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 830385)
An alternative way to install would be:

dpkg -i apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
apt-get install njurassiclite

spot on !!!!!! installed now many thanks MohammadAG much appreciated everything you do for us and our n900 :)

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