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Jaffa 2010-10-03 16:41

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
FWIW, 0.0.3 is now in Extras-devel:

avim 2010-10-03 17:01

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
@Jaffa, great application. Unfortunately I am getting "Connection failes"

emiliofab1 2010-10-03 17:02

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
oo man this is gold.... brilliant.. just brilliant!

khm 2010-10-03 17:05

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 832225)
Yes, well, if there are gaps, my area is an excellent candidate for one of them. I'll admit I mostly installed your port of Here and Now to test how wide an area the service considers to be "local". For instance, I know of only one, tiny restaurant in my Zip code, and there are certainly no theaters or official weather stations, so it's always interesting seeing how far location-based search services will "zoom out" to find results.

Don't feel bad. I live in a US city with a population just under two million and I get the same "Location not detected" message.

lohiaprateek 2010-10-03 18:15

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
works in Kolkata, India...perfect

toxaris 2010-10-03 19:13

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
Ohh, I loved this Here And Now on my old N96. Thx for this one.

RdM 2010-10-03 19:20

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by karmaflux (Post 832389)
Don't feel bad. I live in a US city with a population just under two million and I get the same "Location not detected" message.

Live also in a small city in Suriname 250.000
Probably you must go outside if you are in a building.
got the same "location not detected" but outside works pretty well and I got the local information

dynomot 2010-10-03 22:01

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
Excellent stuff. Thanks Jaffa. Applications like this keep me with my N900.

sjgadsby 2010-10-03 22:45

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by RdM (Post 832476)
Probably you must go outside if you are in a building.

Sadly, entering the great outdoors didn't resolve the problem for me. A lovely day for a walk though.

YoDude 2010-10-03 23:09

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
Thanks for the effort Jaffa... Anything else from the N8 in the pipeline?

BTW, I experienced something strange after using this. I now have this unexplained urge for Starbucks coffee :confused:

:p Thanks again dude,

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