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stenny 2010-10-18 15:06

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client
does this support ssl or server passwords?

fcrochik 2010-10-18 15:29

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client

Originally Posted by stenny (Post 844192)
does this support ssl or server passwords?

yes and yes

AlMehdi 2010-10-18 17:14

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client
Ohh.. and a way to save last channels ;)

jpnurmi 2010-10-19 16:42

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client

Originally Posted by petur (Post 838476)
Does it support sound/vibration on nick highlighting?

Thanks for the idea, petur. I have added vibration (not configurable yet, though) support to Communi mainline.


Originally Posted by jmk (Post 838626)
Except If the nick is on the use on the server you need to change it from server settings and there is no way to change it on the fly (/nick) and get connected.

This has been fixed to Communi mainline.


Originally Posted by DrWilken (Post 838678)
Would it be possible to disable Auto Caps (first letter)? :) Guess it's a Qt input option?

Auto caps are now disabled in Communi mainline.


Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 844280)
Ohh.. and a way to save last channels ;)

Thanks, I'll start working on this feature. I'm using an IRC bouncer myself so completely forgot this. ;)

fcrochik 2010-10-19 16:53

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client

Originally Posted by jpnurmi (Post 845205)
Thanks for the idea, petur. I have added vibration (not configurable yet, though) support to Communi mainline.

This has been fixed to Communi mainline.

Auto caps are now disabled in Communi mainline.

Thanks, I'll start working on this feature. I'm using an IRC bouncer myself so completely forgot this. ;)

Glad to see you here!

Again, please feel free to let me know if you decide to take on packaging YOUR application yourself. I am just trying to help. It should be quite simple to publish a new package now. If you decide that you don't want to, just send me an e-mail anytime you feel is worth to "publish" a new version of communi for the n900.

I noticed that you have seem my post if some ideas for communi. Please feel free to comment on them and be assured that by no means I am suggesting/implying I know or can do better than you. Even more important I will be very glad if you decide to do anything with them. I have more than enough on my plate...

jpnurmi 2010-10-21 13:14

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client

Originally Posted by DrWilken (Post 838523)
It's missing a dependency:

Oh and the addition of vibration upon nick highlight introduced a yet another dependency: libqt4-dbus.


Originally Posted by fcrochik (Post 844153)
I am planning to create a separate project so I can try different things and leave the original code available on the communi project.

Where is your repo, btw? I can't see any fork on bitbucket at least. I'm more than willing to merge back good N900 usability improvements!

Some features that have been already implemented:

Originally Posted by fcrochik (Post 844153)
  • remove tabs on the left side I have added a menu settings to show/hide network tabs.
  • maybe remove top tabs (not sure about this one... ) I have added a menu settings to show/hide channel tabs.
  • remove the time stamp (setting) I have added a general setting to enable/disable time stamps.
  • some kind of wake up warning when some one ping you or send a message to you directly Vibra was added, indeed.
  • clear current view I have fixed the /clear command.

And commenting the rest...

Originally Posted by fcrochik (Post 844153)
  • save last channels between sessions I'm still looking for a decent way to implement this...
  • make the "connect" part of home become a dialog I like the idea but haven't worked on this yet.
  • create a window to list the contacts currently online on the channel I like the idea but haven't worked on this yet.
  • would like some easy way to track what I have already read Not sure if I fully understand. Do you mean some kind of line indicator what was already seen when the channel/query was last active?
  • button to allow you to select "command" I'm already working on this.
  • list of channels on the server I like the idea but haven't worked on this yet.


Originally Posted by fcrochik (Post 845217)
Glad to see you here!

Again, please feel free to let me know if you decide to take on packaging YOUR application yourself. I am just trying to help. It should be quite simple to publish a new package now. If you decide that you don't want to, just send me an e-mail anytime you feel is worth to "publish" a new version of communi for the n900.

I noticed that you have seem my post if some ideas for communi. Please feel free to comment on them and be assured that by no means I am suggesting/implying I know or can do better than you. Even more important I will be very glad if you decide to do anything with them. I have more than enough on my plate...

Thanks again for your efforts on packaging Communi & LibIrcClient-Qt! I'm looking forward adapting the packages sometime in the near future. Heh, and all kind of improvement ideas are by all means very welcome! I have already been implementing a few of them... So big thanks to everyone for your valuable comments! ;-)

fcrochik 2010-10-21 13:41

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client

Originally Posted by jpnurmi (Post 847082)
Oh and the addition of vibration upon nick highlight introduced a yet another dependency: libqt4-dbus.

As soon as I get a chance I will create a new package. Is there a need to update libircclient-qt as well?


Originally Posted by jpnurmi (Post 847082)
Where is your repo, btw? I can't see any fork on bitbucket at least. I'm more than willing to merge back good N900 usability improvements!

I did not create any repository (and also haven't changed any code). You can get the code directly from the repository:

apt-get source communi
If you want I can point out the files I added.


Originally Posted by jpnurmi (Post 847082)
Some features that have been already implemented:

That is great! It seems that I won't have any reason to create my "hack" version :)


Originally Posted by jpnurmi (Post 847082)
And commenting the rest..

* save last channels between sessions I'm still looking for a decent way to implement this...

Not sure I see the need for anything more than just a QStringList with channel names associate to each connection.


Originally Posted by jpnurmi (Post 847082)
would like some easy way to track what I have already read Not sure if I fully understand. Do you mean some kind of line indicator what was already seen when the channel/query was last active?

I am very new to IRC so I may not use it the best way: I leave it open, try to get some work done and from time to time go back to it to check what is going on. There is no way for me to know what I have read already...

One idea would be to just draw a horizontal line when the window/tab looses focus so when I come back to the channel I just need to go back to the last horizontal line and start reading from there.... Probably would also make sense to disable the autoscroll when the tab doesn't have the focus. Just ideas...


Originally Posted by jpnurmi (Post 847082)
Thanks again for your efforts on packaging Communi & LibIrcClient-Qt! I'm looking forward adapting the packages sometime in the near future. Heh, and all kind of improvement ideas are by all means very welcome! I have already been implementing a few of them... So big thanks to everyone for your valuable comments! ;-)

I don't mind packaging it for you but would feel better if you got all the credit. Also, you will know better when to update the packages. At this point all that you need is to have an account to upload packages to extras-devel. I can let you know of all that I have to do get the packages ready for the autobuilder.

jmk 2010-10-27 13:28

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client
Bug fix needed:

You cannot join !channels

For example if you want to join !channel @ Ircnet

/j !channel ---> communi joins to #!channel

pcfe 2010-10-27 21:03

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client
which CA bundle will it use when connecting to a server?

Reason I ask is that I connect to an IRC proxy (bip) over SSL. That connection uses a certificate signed by an own CA, whose CA certificate has been imported to the Certificate manager, but I've had it in the past that ported apps had hardcoded paths for the CA bundle.

On the server side I get:

ERROR: Error in SSL handshake.
ERROR: Error on fd 52 (state 3)
ERROR: client read_lines error, closing...

While Communi shows Connected but does not react to /join command or show the backlog that bip replays automatically on connect.

fcrochik 2010-10-28 19:54

Re: [Announce] Communi - simple light-weight IRC client
New Package uploaded

Haven't even tested it myself but I am sure J-P has some goodies for us.... J-P if you can please post to this thread with the changelog for this version (I downloaded the code few hours ago).

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