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RobbieThe1st 2010-10-17 06:22

Re: battery shows always 100 percent and drops to 0 percent in afew seconds
I forget the topic, but someone recently found a proper 3rd-party brand unit on DealExtreme for $9 that works -right- and has a good capacity.
I think This is that one; comments seem to suggest that it's as good as the genuine ones, and far better than most knock-offs.

ceroberts75 2010-10-17 06:27

Re: battery shows always 100 percent and drops to 0 percent in afew seconds
you got a fake battery....simple.

take your original battery and match the fonts to the one you just got. you will notice a very slight difference in font and color

!!Nokia N900!! 2010-10-17 09:26

Re: battery shows always 100 percent and drops to 0 percent in afew seconds
i have the same issue with battery bought from Mugen-power-batteries.

ossipena 2010-10-17 09:36

Re: battery shows always 100 percent and drops to 0 percent in afew seconds

Originally Posted by jukey (Post 842848)

I brought a new battery at the official Nokia Shop at Since I use this battery the level is constant at 100 percent. There is no difference also after hours of usage. Only a few second befor the devidce turns itself of because there is no power left it shows "battery empty" message and the symbol turns from the green full battery icon to th red "battery empty" icon. Tools like battery graph are showing a graph always at the same level.

Do you have an idea what I can do to get back the normal behaviour?

Thank you Uwe

this is the easiest case ever:

1. return the defect battery
2. ???
3. profit

knockoff batteries try to keep voltage as high as possible until the cell is fully depleted = described behaviour. but it might be genuine one in which case you should have no problems switching it to working one.

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