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yorg 2010-10-26 00:04

Re: PR 1.4 Thread
omg why is it not out yet wtf nokia never buying nokia again android and iphone are better!!!


storkus 2010-10-26 00:04

Re: PR 1.4 Thread
If the cameras are supported by V4L, then you should see it in the devices directory. What's so hard about that? If I wasn't about to take off, I'd go dig for it right now...

I should come over there and replace your N900 for one made of cheese so you can enjoy it with all that whine!

OTOH, the FM transmitter bit may be due to interference issues--someone who h@x the transmitter to be on all the time could confirm that.

maxximuscool 2010-10-26 00:06

Re: PR 1.4 Thread

Originally Posted by bobbydoedoe (Post 850965)
my simple simple wish is better battery life

I got a solution to your Battery life :)
The solution is buy another spare battery and always full charged it and keep it in your pocket when you are on the go :D

It works for me :rolleyes: at least this will be more simpler than trying to make the damn device last the whole heavily usage.

southwalesboy 2010-10-26 00:07

Re: PR 1.4 Thread
I hope PR1.4 brings a 100mW frickin laser beam!!!

jd4200 2010-10-26 00:08

Re: PR 1.4 Thread
lol where's my popcorn, this will be fun.

CarstenDutch 2010-10-26 00:09

Re: PR 1.4 Thread

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 850954)
It does, but only in small number of applications. Was there an annoying red light before when the front camera is active ?

The front camera does have a red light also now! video call etc... all privacy related, there are many more fixes that you will run into. lol

Aranel 2010-10-26 00:15

Re: PR 1.4 Thread

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 850967)
(assumed that we got the source code).

afaik, we don't. Just like other TONS of other crapware which is not working well but closed source so we can't do anything about making them better.

neotalk 2010-10-26 00:33

Re: PR 1.4 Thread
it's sad that within hours of pr1.3 that a 1.4 thread had been has really got it wrong this time...failed big style with this upgrade.

new@n900 2010-10-26 00:50

Re: PR 1.4 Thread
My wish is for voice-command dialing of telephone numbers (using the bluetooth headset).

M_99 2010-10-26 00:52

Re: PR 1.4 Thread
A very trusted source just told me PR 1.4 will bring
- 4,5 inch multitouch-screen,
- Flash 12.0
- 15 MP-Cam
- 3 weeks of battery life (Video), 7 weeks (Standby)
- HDMI 1.4 with ARC and Ethernet Channel, maybe WHDI-Update with PR 1.5

CU - M_99

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