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roger_27 2010-10-26 16:39

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 851986)
<quoted post deleted>

well I won't argue with you there, it did sound like I was brown nosing. but let me explain:

It was the guy's first post. so what I see here is someone who CREATED an account to complain about the update. can you spell TROLL?

secondly, if the updates on the home page of don't explain that the update is mostly bug fixing and preparation for dual booting, than maybe the 3 or 4 threads on the right hand "Active topics" will.

This guy just swoops in, makes an account, and whines like a loose pully belt on an old chevy. No research at all.

I'm gonna go to and ask what the IOS 4.0 update did, because it obviously doesn't run windows apps yet. I know nothing about what IOS 4.0 does, I'm just gonna randomly post without research.

extendedping 2010-10-26 17:02

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by roger_27 (Post 852036)
well I won't argue with you there, it did sound like I was brown nosing. but let me explain:

It was the guy's first post. so what I see here is someone who CREATED an account to complain about the update. can you spell TROLL?

secondly, if the updates on the home page of don't explain that the update is mostly bug fixing and preparation for dual booting, than maybe the 3 or 4 threads on the right hand "Active topics" will.

This guy just swoops in, makes an account, and whines like a loose pully belt on an old chevy. No research at all.

I'm gonna go to and ask what the IOS 4.0 update did, because it obviously doesn't run windows apps yet. I know nothing about what IOS 4.0 does, I'm just gonna randomly post without research.

I guess you can't see that it is kind of irrelevant. When you call someone a prick and tell them to go to hell over something trivial, you look like the bigger idiot, regardless if their post was not well thought out.

roger_27 2010-10-26 17:05

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 852049)
I guess you can't see that it is kind of irrelevant. When you call someone a prick and tell them to go to hell over something trivial, you look like the bigger idiot, regardless if their post was not well thought out.

nah, I'm just saying what everyone feels, hence the 3 "thanks" I got for posting it ;)

etuoyo 2010-10-26 17:37

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by roger_27 (Post 852054)
nah, I'm just saying what everyone feels, hence the 3 "thanks" I got for posting it ;)

Seems to be a reflection of those who gave you thanks and the state of society today rather than a reflection of the usefulness of your post.

roger_27 2010-10-26 18:03

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 852069)
Seems to be a reflection of those who gave you thanks and the state of society today rather than a reflection of the usefulness of your post.

You could very well be right! We all suck!

meh. I'm done with this topic. I like the "Thanks Nokia" topic alot better :D

Frappacino 2010-10-26 18:05

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
with nokias dismal support track record on the n900 - i find it hard to believe that any sane person could have high expectations for n900 updates.

so u r either trolling - totally new or just plain naive. either way get a dose of reality - big updates r not going to come from nokia.

ivnvir 2010-10-26 18:08

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by rash.m2k (Post 852007)
It's a Linux open source phone!!!!

We don't need Nokia to provide updates - we can do it ourselves!!!

Personally I'm waiting for MeeGo to appear on the scene - hopefully all N900 apps will work on MeeGo and it will be a simple switch.

plus I prefer rpm's vs debs.

yeah, nokia pay us just for doing their job!

mhamza 2010-10-26 18:14

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
I am not complaining i was presenting my own personal point of view, i dont think we are talking about research for a post jeopardizing Nokia's market share in tablets??
why all that argueing about what i wrote??

those are begging to have meego in thier n900s will cry if it is officially released without n900 support, yet nothing was promised about this

it is all about expectations
if Sygic could make turn by turn navigation that works on n900 this mean that it is possible
why it is not provided ?? this is my question
anyway thanks for those respected my post , and thanks for those didn't as i am not a paranoid person i can understand how they want to impress others and attract attension, this make them feel present

it is simple post expressing my disappoint, no need to make shows here

leetut 2010-10-26 19:23

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by roger_27 (Post 851963)
shut up and go to hell you ungrateful prick.

although i find it rather a funny comment it does spread hate in the forum, and id rather not see comments like that,
now other users are gonna think its ok to call people a prick:confused:

edsall 2010-10-26 19:26

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
Me too and google talk with my phone .

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