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etuoyo 2010-10-30 08:33

Re: Next phone after N900?

Originally Posted by ruskie (Post 857371)
None really. I'll keep with the N900 for as long as possible since I like it so much.

So you will never own any phone other than the N900? That's what is means to say none.

For me Nokia's useless customer services and the usb port issue and the millions of bugs in the N900 made me decide months ago that I would never buy a Nokia phone again.

However, I started getting into the modifications you can do on the N900 and got really addicted to it. So if Nokia releases a meego phone as open as the N900 that will be my next phone. Unless someone other than Nokia releases a very open phone then I would get that instead. Would likey be less buggy and there would probably be better customer services.

If no one comes up with a very open meego device then will go for a HTC android phone. Don't think you can go wrong with that.

tissot 2010-10-30 08:34

Re: Next phone after N900?
Well i already got Galaxy S, but still own N900 and use it. Next phone is Android phone running gingerbread qnd i'm prettu sure that i will get N9 no matter what. I mean i joined this forum because of Harmattan back then, not because of fremantle or N900.

tissot 2010-10-30 08:35

Re: Next phone after N900?
Well i already got Galaxy S, but still own N900 and use it. Next phone is Android phone running gingerbread and i'm pretty sure that i will get N9 no matter what. I mean i joined this forum because of Harmattan back then, not because of fremantle or N900.

ericsson 2010-10-30 08:36

Re: Next phone after N900?

Originally Posted by ado (Post 857376)
in my case, it will for sure not be a nokia phone. next phone will be htc desire hd.

This is a mystery. The Desire HD is the most overpriced and uninspiring phone out there, and Huawei will soon sweep the upper Android floors with their cheaper but better IDEOS line of phones. SE already got the mid part with X10 mini/mini pro and X8. HTC got one single technically advanced and functionally OK Android phone, and that is the Desire Z.

tebsu 2010-10-31 09:28

Re: Next phone after N900?
íts as simple as it is, after your N900, you get another N900

magullo 2010-10-31 09:45

Re: Next phone after N900?
not sure, i like iPhone 4 a lot, but it's extremely overpriced. Android is not for me, so... don't know. Probably i'll go back to a normal phone, one of them with long lasting battery

etuoyo 2010-10-31 09:48

Re: Next phone after N900?

Originally Posted by tebsu (Post 858223)
íts as simple as it is, after your N900, you get another N900

Yeah when the usb port falls out and Nokia has to give you a new one.:)

WereCatf 2010-10-31 09:57

Re: Next phone after N900?
I am not planning to replace my N900 for years to come, but when I eventually do I'll probably get some Android phone, MeeGo if one such phone is available then. Not going to touch iPhones even with a large pole.

Power 2010-10-31 10:54

Re: Next phone after N900?
The only think that attracts me about Android is the sheer number of applications. Maybe Meego will change all that.

Yes, it does feel powerful to write a script to make the N900 do just about anything but sometimes you see these awesome apps and you wish they were there for the N900. For example, have you seen the augmented driving app for iPhone?

All said, I think I still love the N900 and it has a special place in my heart. Perhaps, the best mobile computer I have ever owned, after Newton & Palm.

ukaef 2010-10-31 11:33

Re: Next phone after N900?

Originally Posted by Power (Post 858291)
All said, I think I still love the N900 and it has a special place in my heart. Perhaps, the best mobile computer I have ever owned, after Newton & Palm.

True. I will change it if thinner and lighter version will come :) As a phone I dont need anything newer.

But I think that HTC are good phones too, especially desire.

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