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patlak 2010-11-01 23:40

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 860264)
Umm. Who says so? N900's HW is easily capable of higher resolution video record/playback. (it's more powerful than 3GS btw. N900 has the same CPU and although lower spec GPU, it's actually faster as iPhone's is underclocked) N900's GPU driver however is not. It is limited purposefully. It is also closed source. So unless you can write / hack the driver, it's not possible. But if iPhone users can do it, why can't we? :(

It will happen in couple of months probably. Just like Droid was overclocked almost half a year before N900 ;) Somebody will eventually be put to the challenge of hacking it :)

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