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slaapliedje 2010-11-05 00:38

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
For the record, I was called by Nokia Care as well, since my phone had been on 'repair' for a while with no more input, and it was a woman from the Philippines that called me. Country code 63.

That'd be sweet if they did keep releasing firmwares. I don't see really why they wouldn't, how many firmwares did previous NITs get? Then again, the N900 isn't technically a NIT, it's an actual phone... well, Computer phone... Phone/Computer? Screw it, it's Linux in my pocket that makes / receives calls!


txh 2010-11-05 04:18

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
Has anyone else living in the United States had calls from "Nokia" with people talking in funny accents. So far I've seen about 2 in this thread, anyone else? Do you think its really the Nokia Customer Care or some kind of crazy group? If it is Nokia Customer Care, why are they hiring people with funny accents outside the US to take care of US customers, can't they hire local residents that speak English?? (Just my thought)

xtreemneo 2010-11-05 04:37

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 863862)
Very odd but its quite possible that the call was from Nokia , remember guys that new management lead by Elop said they gonna listen and they will change the way Nokia works , maybe its an early sign of upcoming changes? :)

Might be.. CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo was there in Nokia for 30 years.. Seriously.. Thats a huge time scale in todays fast business environment.. :D

May be this is true,, Did that voice you mentioned had any accent,, indian, Phillipines?

HellFlyer 2010-11-05 06:13

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900

Originally Posted by xtreemneo (Post 863988)
Might be.. CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo was there in Nokia for 30 years.. Seriously.. Thats a huge time scale in todays fast business environment.. :D

May be this is true,, Did that voice you mentioned had any accent,, indian, Phillipines?

Yeah but that old fart became too bureaucratic , there was an article in a Finnish newspaper some time ago , they interviewed bunch of former employees and all of them were complaining about how disconnected and cold the management became in the last few year ( I would say after N95 era :p )

anyway I want to believe that Nokia started to listen , I mean we got PR 1.3 that brought Ovi suite support ( YES its a big deal for me :D ) we can boot to MeeGo and have fun without paying anything, if they add voice navigation to Ovi Maps , N900 will be my best purchase after my Core i7 gaming rig :cool:

!!Nokia N900!! 2010-11-05 06:19

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
Yea, there will be another up-date by name: PR1.4. This will be the last PR up-dates then MeeGo will come.

So we hope PR1,4 will have major up-date

zerocool2k 2010-11-05 06:30

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
That could be Jaaksi. He's with Palm now, so he's placing prank calls on his old customers list :D.

stonda 2010-11-05 06:37

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
To OP, what would make you think that the customer care could tell anything about upcoming updates? Usually CSRs in various companies are the very last bunch to be informed about anything like new FWs or product launches. :)

lma 2010-11-05 06:46

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900

Originally Posted by slaapliedje (Post 863886)
how many firmwares did previous NITs get?

They typically received updates for about a year from launch, the lucky exception being the N800 which got nearly twice that (more specific details here).

Note that "in the next firmware update" statements don't really mean much. For instance. there are several Diablo bugs that were fixed internally but Nokia never got around to releasing the next update in the end.

tusharmax 2010-11-06 07:23

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900

Originally Posted by txh (Post 863981)
Has anyone else living in the United States had calls from "Nokia" with people talking in funny accents. So far I've seen about 2 in this thread, anyone else? Do you think its really the Nokia Customer Care or some kind of crazy group? If it is Nokia Customer Care, why are they hiring people with funny accents outside the US to take care of US customers, can't they hire local residents that speak English?? (Just my thought)

Just cause a person speaks english in a diff accent, that means he/she has funny accent ? And watch ya words brotha, your post has pretty racist overtone there.

vivmak 2010-11-06 07:43

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
Nokia care is Nokia care, whether in USA , India or Phillipine or elsewhere... there policies and training methods and as a company their own product what makes it great or not.. in terms N900 if someone thinks that it is customer care person with funny accent at fault then think again... they dont deal with the devices directly but they work on directions from their bosses who ultimately be getting directions from somone in USA or in Finland.

If you have issues with the response time from India or Phillipines then call the your local Nokia office and insist that you want to talk locally and see if you can better responses....

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