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extendedping 2010-11-08 21:47

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
$70 for err I forgot. I am going to try simplemobile next I think they give unlimited calling.

chase15 2010-11-08 21:53

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
45 here... 500 mins... unli web... i dnt txt a lot... 20c per text... most of time i pay 48.... :D

noipv4 2010-11-08 21:53

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
$86 after taxes, 1000mins family plan, two lines, both have data plans, after corporate discount.

holysocks 2010-11-08 21:55

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
Usually I tell people not to sign up for service at a Tmobile store if they're using their own unlocked phones. Third party phone stores would usually know the best option for you and provide cashback depending on the contract you sign up for. Also no credit check.

rulsky 2010-11-09 00:24

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I pay about $73 after fees and taxes for 1000 min, unlimited texts and unlimited 3g speed data.....and the best thing of all is that i do not have a contract, it is month to moonth and can cancel with a 30 days notice. oh yes i had to buy the sim card for $20

hordeman 2010-11-09 00:35

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I pay about $65 a month: $40 voice, $24 Google Data/Text Plan

Jef91 2010-11-09 00:36

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I have "unlimited data" (10gb/month), unlimited text, and 500 minutes. Comes out to 67$/month with taxes.

mrsellout 2010-11-09 00:43

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
Again not directly relevant, but I'm on Pay as you go, with 6 months unlimited internet for £20, which is fantastic. Not sure what the fup is, but at times I've used the internet radio for about 7 hours/week, and then light browsing on top, without any complaint from T-mobile. I've just installed netstory to see what my actual usage is.

stas123 2010-11-09 00:51

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
Wow, T-Mobile has a $10 unlimited data plan?

By Canadian standards, that's almost free.

techngro 2010-11-09 00:56

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I have one of the prepaid Even More plans. Its 300 minutes, unlimited text/mms, unlimited web with no contract.

Comes to about $75 per month, including taxes and fees. I wish T-Mo would just go with a $50 text & web plan. That's all I need anyway.

T-Mo is changing their plans anyway, so some of these plans will go away and be replaced by less attractive plans.

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