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n900 lover 2011-05-02 11:28

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
y dont you just copy all your contacts to your n900 from sim, then insert new sim, then copy back onto new sim... whats the big deal?

atz6975 2011-05-02 14:08

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
Unfortunately, I need all details and I believe that copying to SIM doesn't care about notes/multiple phones/email....
Maybe I'm wrong?

fmo 2011-05-02 14:48

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
You can also try using NuevaSync there is a howto here

vignes_k 2011-09-15 10:19

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
well i tried a python script to convert all vcard details to csv and import into google. but lots of records have blank details. is there a script that can be run on the n900 to update the required fields so that we dont have blank names?

would be great if there is a gui tool that can at least profile the contact info and provide an interface to update the data before export.

Brock 2012-05-02 18:44

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
can someone tell me how to transfer all calender entrys to android?

Thx for help in advance

reinob 2012-05-02 20:01

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android

If you don't mind using Google Calendar you can sync your N900 with Google Calendar using erminig-ng.

I suppose the synchronization of Google Calendar with an Android device should be trivial (but cannot provide any info on this).

Spotfist 2012-05-10 18:31

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
Just had to do the same myself, easiest way is to export contacts to CSV using the Nokia suite, then import it into google contacts, 5 mins ;)

L29Ah 2015-11-03 11:49

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 882885)
if it is just extracting adsresses:
osso-addressbook-backup -e contacts.vcard
is your friend. is a vcard file so somehow standard(cr lineendings..).

edit: if you want it the other way round and import: -i .

Nokia-N900:~# osso-addressbook-backup -e contacts.vcard
open_system_abook: Cannot open book

KotCzarny 2019-04-27 08:03

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android

Originally Posted by L29Ah (Post 1487383)
Nokia-N900:~# osso-addressbook-backup -e contacts.vcard
open_system_abook: Cannot open book

root is not default user.
# su - user

anyway, to easily transfer contacts first export them via above command or contacts->export as v3, then cat all of them into single file in terminal, then send the single file via bluetooth

peterleinchen 2019-04-27 09:27

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
Necroromancy at its Best :)

Erm, just recalculated and iirc I have seen older threads revived. So just necro... :D
Nevertheless: Good answer!

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