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bach 2010-12-23 11:41

Re: maemo catalog
aha you're saying that portrait mode is not good in applications?
in the phone menu it work or no???

michaaa62 2010-12-23 21:07

Re: maemo catalog
Just my personal affection, i am not that much of a phone geek, i like it to be a computer. Thats why i prefer landscape mode. I just noticed in a game i like to play, that it since the last update from extras-devel it is supporting portrait mode, but does hide half of the controls. That just assured my personal 'taste'. You might find lots of people who just think the opposite....

bach 2010-12-24 09:38

Re: maemo catalog
aha ok i appreciate your advice :) ....
about the error now it's : fremantle
it was fremantle-1.2

youngcalihottie 2010-12-24 10:28

Re: maemo catalog

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 902754)
It should resolve those repo problems and portrait mode works in PR1.3, but not flawless with all applications. But how should i know, having it disabled right away, as i never saw anything diserable in it. :)

same here! i never have understood why people want portrait mode! it just takes extra time to wait for the screen to flip, i dont like the way many apps arrange things in that view, and the keyboard is landscape anyway. omg it bugs me when im lying in bed using my phone and the screen starts flipping around every which way thinking i'm rotating! i <3 disabling portrait lol

michaaa62 2010-12-24 10:41

Re: maemo catalog

Originally Posted by bach (Post 903349)
aha ok i appreciate your advice :) ....
about the error now it's : fremantle
it was fremantle-1.2

This error persists even after a complete reflash ???
Did you get anything at all from the web, like emails and browser data?
Do you use the Hildon Application Manager to refresh the package list?

bach 2011-01-09 11:22

Re: maemo catalog
even if i refreshed the catalog list the same error is showing . i can't install any application anymore :( please i need help . 10x

shardul 2011-01-09 11:32

Re: maemo catalog
open xterminal type:
sudo gainroot

apt-get update

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