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esther 2010-12-23 13:30

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
i am going to go to sleep and try it 2moro its 2.30 am here i am so confused!!!!! :confused::( but i really thank you for your help, i will be back 2mro you shoud 2 haha

NIght Esther

esther 2010-12-23 13:42

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
Helloooooo orion, um i have downloaded flaser 3.5 but i am having a small issue with the next thing

orion88freedom 2010-12-23 14:30

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
The next thing is for you to download the latest firmware from:

and then try to follow the steps for the MAC.

Don't be shy to "thank" me when you're done :D

orion88freedom 2010-12-23 14:31

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?

Originally Posted by flipalong (Post 902809)
mac doesnt have internet explorer :P

Mate, you are hilarious, but I don't own a MAC and haven't got a clue as to what the MAC alternative is for Internet Explorer and I am sure Esther is clever enough to understand what I meant.

Merry Christmas to you too.

woussie 2010-12-23 15:31

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
!!!!! I suggest you don't reflash yet !!!!!!

Ok; there's obviously something wrong with you conversations program, and yes, reflashing probably helps, BUT you probably don't need to do it! A reflash isn't always the best solution!!!

I suggest you try a less drastic solution first: try deleting the conversations database (i copied the instructions from this post):


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 764400)
if you return conversations from backup, it brings the corrupt database(?!?) along. so don't return conversations from backup.

just remove

and see if problem disappears along with conversations.
(you might need to recreate the file, with command)

touch /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db

Quick question though: have you ever used X Terminal before? If not you probably don't get these instructions, so here is a more extensive explanation ;)

Noob-friendly instructions:
Open X Terminal. (by clicking one the icon in your menu)
A white screen with black letters will appear.

rm /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db
and press enter.
The cursor will just go to the next line, and he database will be removed (you will lose all your current messages)
If you get an error, come back here and ask for help again (it's possible that you need to be root to perform the action, but i'm not sure. Anyway i'm not going to explain this now, only if you get an error)
Now type

touch /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db
and press enter again.
This will create an empty conversations database.
Exit X Terminal.

Hopefully your problem is solved by this. It's much easier than reflashing and much more convinient!

flipalong 2010-12-23 19:32

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?

Originally Posted by orion88freedom (Post 902854)
The next thing is for you to download the latest firmware from:

and then try to follow the steps for the MAC.

Don't be shy to "thank" me when you're done :D

i know ur being sarcastic :L
i have a mac desktop and windows laptop (which dualboots ubuntu) so if esther gets stuck with something mac related i can help ;)

flipalong 2010-12-23 19:32

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
and esther try to follow either my guide or the guide in the wiki page we all linked u, following the steps slowly and as closely as u can.
if u encounter a problem, tell us and we'll try and help :)
and dont forget to hit that thanks button if we helped ;)

mixed_man 2010-12-23 19:52

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
Yeaa I had the same problem

After I ran the command "rm -rf .rtcom-eventlogger"

I installed Glogarchive and dropped(deleted) and started a new event archive and that did it for me

esther 2010-12-24 09:09

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
Thanks very much for everyone help but i have tryed a few ways am still no luck? i am willing to try anything i have been on you tube to find out but no one is update with MAC and when i try to drop on to 770 flasher it jst does nothing ?

i suggest you try a less drastic solution first: try deleting the conversations database (i copied the instructions from this post):

Originally Posted by ossipena
if you return conversations from backup, it brings the corrupt database(?!?) along. so don't return conversations from backup. can you please tell me how to do this =]

just remove
and see if problem disappears along with conversations.
(you might need to recreate the file, with command) (how i do this?)
touch /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db
Quick question though: have you ever used X Terminal before? If not you probably don't get these instructions, so here is a more extensive explanation

Noob-friendly instructions:
Open X Terminal. (by clicking one the icon in your menu)
A white screen with black letters will appear.
rm /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db
and press enter.
The cursor will just go to the next line, and he database will be removed (you will lose all your current messages)
If you get an error, come back here and ask for help again (it's possible that you need to be root to perform the action, but i'm not sure. Anyway i'm not going to explain this now, only if you get an error)
Now type
touch /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db
and press enter again.
This will create an empty conversations database.
Exit X Terminal.

sdesai 2010-12-24 09:15

Re: My Conversations don't save anymore?
If its only been a month since u had the phone...dont bother much..... return it to the store for a new one or let them repair it :P

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