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uvatbc 2011-02-01 01:24

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by PradaBrada (Post 933018)
Did you see that 615.1%? :)

Usually indicates that the past year's share was negligible.
For example: Last year I had 1 cent (which I found on the road). Now I have $100 because I got a job. My growth since last year is 10000%.

Lies, damned lies and statistics

I do agree that the rise of Android has been impressive, but I don't see it ringing a death knell for anyone, least of all Nokia.

marxian 2011-02-01 01:33

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by PradaBrada (Post 933018)
Did you see that 615.1%? :)

Quick! Everyone buy tulips. They're the latest thing. :rolleyes:

PradaBrada 2011-02-01 01:38

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
@uvatbc: exactly, Android became market leader in little over a year :)


Originally Posted by marxian (Post 933028)
Quick! Everyone buy tulips. They're the latest thing. :rolleyes:

no homo intended

uvatbc 2011-02-01 01:42

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 933028)
Quick! Everyone buy tulips. They're the latest thing. :rolleyes:

LOL - I wonder if anyone will understand that reference without a little help from wikipedia.

marxian 2011-02-01 01:52

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by uvatbc (Post 933031)
LOL - I wonder if anyone will understand that reference without a little help from wikipedia.

The same sequence of events occurs time and time again, because people are lemmings, with no awareness of history.

maluka 2011-02-01 02:00

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
It's the California Gold Rush all over again.

marxian 2011-02-01 02:12

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
This is a market that is still in its infancy, so any predictions of long-term domination are folly. 15 years ago, who would have thought that Microsoft would be successful in the games console market? Also, many people spoke of the impending demise of Nintendo, following the relatively poor performance of the N64 and Gamecube. Then came the Wii.

In today's world, where people have short attention spans, it is only the simplest of narratives that receive attention.

raaj13 2011-02-01 03:19

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
what i have heard is that nokia was no 1 in hanset sold last year with samsung at no.2 and sony at 3.

jakiman 2011-02-01 03:29

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
Nokia sold around 450 million units in 2010 worldwide. That's as much as Samsung+HTC+Motorola+RIM+iPhone sales all added together. So drop in smartphone marketshare doesn't mean Nokia are selling less.

But in a sense of "OS", Android is definitely the biggest now.

Ayle 2011-02-01 03:41

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
I see a 8 millions units shipment volume increase which is more than Apple, Rim or MS...

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