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mkleung 2011-02-11 09:52

Re: Soul searching...
Seeing what Nokia has been doing in last 2 years, this decision makes perfect sense to shareholders, customers and the entire markets (competitions benefit all).

But being here in, hasn't the worst just happened?

I am a happy user of N900 but not really a developer. But I have been a fan of Nokia hardware for ages. Although I can continue to buy Nokia Windows Mobile, but it will be a different Nokia, a Nokia with its soul lost.


Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 941774)
I read these threads and smile inwardly. It makes me laugh that people can get so emotional over an operating system.

Lets face it; Linux will NEVER be the operating system for the masses as long as it is run through terminal commands. It's nice, for those of use tech-savvy enough to be able to operate within that environment, but you put my better half in from of a terminal and she would melt into a gelatinous lump of I-haven't-got-the-faintest-idea-what-to-do-with-this. Turn Linux into an open-source GUI based OS where you can do whatever you want WITHOUT having to crack open a terminal and there's potential for it to become the global OS of choice.

Windows, on the other hand, is an intuitive, global, GUI based OS that everyone knows a modicum about.

It makes sense, sound business sense, albeit an offence to Linux fans, that Nokia and MS partner to deliver consumer friendly GUI based smartphone(s).

Sorry to rock the boat, but we all knew this was gonna happen eventually. I mean, come on. Be real.

mahousaru 2011-02-11 12:59

Re: Soul searching...

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 941774)
Lets face it; Linux will NEVER be the operating system for the masses as long as it is run through terminal commands. It's nice, for those of use tech-savvy enough to be able to operate within that environment, but you put my better half in from of a terminal and she would melt into a gelatinous lump of I-haven't-got-the-faintest-idea-what-to-do-with-this. Turn Linux into an open-source GUI based OS where you can do whatever you want WITHOUT having to crack open a terminal and there's potential for it to become the global OS of choice.

pssstttt... it already is an os for the "masses" just you missed it. Runs on lots of POS, handheld inventory devices, to massive HPC farms. ofc unless you are describing your better half as masses....

Mr.Rent 2011-02-11 13:21

Re: Soul searching...

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 941774)
I read these threads and smile inwardly. It makes me laugh that people can get so emotional over an operating system.

Lets face it; Linux will NEVER be the operating system for the masses as long as it is run through terminal commands. It's nice,

my girlfriend uses a laptop with linuxmint... she never needs to open an x-term, she doesn't even know what a terminal is....

I think the preamble of your speech is wrong... :)


maluka 2011-02-11 15:05

Re: Soul searching...
The open source Nokia dream is dead.

Brock 2011-02-11 15:13

Re: Soul searching...
like many others i had only nokia phones since many years, and i would never ever buy a wp7 phone...

but i will buy the new meego phone, just to show the devil (elop) that he is wrong... but at the moment everybody mentions that nokia has been sold for low to ms, it will be too late to rescue the last big european handset developer...

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-11 15:35

Re: Soul searching...
must admit that i feel the same, symbian has not been the best system, but i really like maemo with it's openness and unlimited usage.

but when i saw the merger to MS i really lost all respect for nokia, i will still want to see what the N9 brings, but if it blows (Meego or Symbian) the N900 will stay with me as long as it lives, god knows i have enough battery's to almost go years without recharging :D.

in my view nokia is going the realize their mistake at some point but the it will be to late to salvage.
can remember when they launched the N97, they lost alot of good developers like the ones here at maemo, but now they are in jeopardy of loosing the rest with this move to join MS, and use a OS thats lightyears behind everything else.
i would rather have an Iphone then anything running MS, and i really really dislike apple........

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